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iB Proto

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Posts posted by iB Proto

  1. I thought this was obvious? Pistols, SMGs, and the like are generally lighter weight than others.

    Ballistic Knife/Spectre/CZ Dual Wield* > WonderWeapons/SMG's/Pistol's/Shotgun's* > AR's/Sniper's > LMG's

    I've tested out the Spectre & it is faster then every other SMG, it seems to run just as IF NOT faster then the Ballistic Knife. According to some other forumers the CZ Dual Wields also have this 'extreme' mobility. I was curious if there are any other guns people are aware of that have 'extreme' mobilities.

    *Not Confirmed.

  2. Hey guys, I've seen many people around the community saying you run faster with the Spectre (sometime I personally didn't know). I tested it & to my surprise they were right. What other guns do you run extremely fast with (other then the ballistic knife)?

  3. Hey guys, I've seen many people around the community saying you run faster with the Spectre (sometime I personally didn't know). I tested it & to my surprise they were right. What other guns do you run extremely fast with (other then the ballistic knife)?

  4. for early rounds up to about 30-35 you should just kill them with rayguns and wunderwaffe but when ammo starts getting hard to keep trade in the ray for ballistic knifes or dual cz75s for good running speed. And always keep a good wall weapon for a steady flow of points. And just so you know I know what im talking about. ;)


    Dual CZ, Ballistic Knife & Spectre are only weapons with extra run speeds?

  5. 29 co-op first real attempt on a classic is pretty damn good. More so if your partner had never really played it either. No PAP makes it tough until you get the hang of the map. I was thinking of Verruckt when I said no box.

    For tips....well I like to run the Thompson area myself. This gun is beast is you are good at aiming at the head.

    I find the outer areas just a pain in the arse, but it's only because I have never really spent any time in solo practising them. The best tip I can give it play solo and learn the different quarters until you find one which has a relatively easy kite and access to a wall gun. As I said I can kite the Thompson and inside area pretty damn well....small circles in the actual Thompson room, then if it gets too busy head into the area heading towards storage, turn left and then circle that inside area in a big clockwise loop, should now have most zombies behind you. If your partner is in Comm Room there will be hardly any zombies blocking your path.

    Thank-You! Gave you a [brains]

  6. Hey Guys, I just finished my first actual attempt on Shi No Numa Co-Op.

    I used the Ray Gun w/ the Thompson as my wall gun.

    My partner was using the WunderWaffe DG 2 w/ the STG-44 as his wall gun.

    We both had Monkey Bombs of course.

    He would loop around the STG-44 Area (Comm Room).

    I would loop around the Flogger Area.

    Perk Layout was:

    Comm Room - Double Tap

    Storage - Quick Revive

    Doctor's Quarters - Speed Cola

    Fishing Hut - Juggernaut

    Here was the outcome:

    Click The Above Thumbnail For An Enlarged Version.

    Does anybody have some suggestions or any ideas? I'm not really good at Shi No Numa considering it is like my third time playing it because I have never liked it.

  7. Majority of the people all hate the up to two-player feature. I usually don't play four player zombies (I play two-player) but I would really like the feature of being able to play four player survival. I think Infinity Ward really did mess up. :/

  8. I think Treyarch might make CoD Zombies: The Game or something of that sort.

    I'm pretty sure that they have the rights to develop the CoD set to come out in 2013?

    So we might see CoD Zombies in 2014? I would rather have that but it would seem like a long time to wait for a new zombie map, I think if they did that then they would have to give us a few updates to Zombies on Black Ops like maybe WaW guns or something like that.

  9. Is it possible? Do you guys think they will EVER do it? Will it be popular? Will it be linked to the CoD franchise, or will it be there own actual Zombie survival game? What will it be like? What would it be called? Let me know!

    P.S: Don't forget to answer the poll!

  10. Unless there is a HUGE I mean HUGE staff change over @ Treyarch I don't think that Zombies is over. I do think after the next CoD they will be over and that in 2014 there will be a Zombies game made by Treyarch. That's just my honest opinion.

  11. Thank you all for your thoughts and ideas, I do understand that there is no correct answer to my question but perhaps seeing other peoples ideas will help refine your own. As a community we need to learn from each other.

    I personally believe, that running is fair as long as you are not the only one doing it. If your other three teammates are asking you to stick with them, I think perhaps you should give their plan a shot. After all this is a team game, and since records are rare with randoms, why not try to get a friend or two out of the match by being social and not running in a different corner of the map, with your mike muted unless there is ammo, monkeys, or you are downed.

    @ Killallzombies- Yes I know there are more than those three places, but those three were the only ones I was comfortable with at the time. I am pretty sure I mentioned that in my writings above.

    @ Tom852- Yes that is how the game is, but that does not mean that is how it has to be. It might have been enjoyable for you, but everybody has different tastes. I would have gotten bored with only a small trickle of zombies at any given time. I usually do not care about points or kills past a certain point either, but then again, neither do I care much about long (30+) term survival when I am playing with randoms. I have only gotten above 25 with randoms one time. All of my high rounds are done with my friend in private matches. It does not mean I will suicide at round 29, but I generally do not plan for the game to go that long, so I usually spend in strange ways, and often have a high chance of needing to leave the game at the higher rounds because I never plan that far. That does not mean I am right in that mindset, it just is my opinion.

    @ iB Proto- Is this with randoms? With friends (or even cooperative randoms with mics) it is easy to create an agreeable plan. But when you have silent randoms or ones that disagree with the plan is it alright to force them to go with your idea? Huh, I actually prefer the spawn loop out of all of those. At 25-30 in the games I have had with friends I ran in the STG room and they sat on the catwalk or in the tunnel and sprayed at my zombies from which ever direction.

    Anyways, thank you all for contributing!

    Until next time,


    I only play with friends (or 'randoms' off these forums) so must people are pretty cooperative, I find myself to be a little bossy so MOST people usually do follow my idea or plan. If you find yourself to be the most experienced I think it is alright to boss around the people you are playing with; afterall your doing it for there own good.

    P.S: I prefer the Thompson.

    P.S.2: [brains] To You!

  12. We discussed this a long time ago, the fact is is that is it too big to be griffen station, it wouldn't show up on the moon that large.

    Is there not a huge amount of element 115 at Griffin Station? Maybe element 115 is extremely bright in outer space due to the lack of oxygen? or something to do with outer space? That's just a thought on maybe it being very bright due to the conditions in outer space. I doubt it, but there are currently no proven explanations for that. Is there any thread with proof on what it is?

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