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Posts posted by Newsonce97

  1. I would want a Bioshock map.

    of coarse :P

    But I think if could work really well, I mean you could easily transform a bioshock area in to a map with a few tweaks.

    The guns could be the bioshock weapons and you can buy them off the wall, and instead of Pack a Punch you get Power to the People upgrades like in the game.

    And the boss could be a Bouncer walking around like G. Romero. They are just alike in gameplay! Neither attack you if you don't attack first. The roar to disorient you. The use melee attacks only. They run really fast when pissed. They would work the exact same.

    And instead of a wonder weapon, you get to use the Big Daddy Drill :D

    and of coarse we have zombies instead of splicers.

    I was actually planning a zombies/Bioshock story a few weeks ago, where the guys get transported to Rapture after Ascension. Alas, although I love Bioshock, I haven't been able to play it in months, and have forgotten the layout of Rapture. If you could help me out, maybe, then I'd definitely continue work on it. It was gonna have zombies and Splicers, and the zombies would be there because ADAM, in this, would be another form of 115, so when the Splicers die, the 115/ADAM in their body turns them into zombies. And then, we could have zombies using Incinerate! or Telekinesis.

    Either way, it was just an idea.

  2. So, I went on to Kino today, to have a bit of a mess around, you know, just, see how I did, nothing serious, when I noticed there was no Mule Kick. I'd noticed this before, when I was playing Ascension and Der Riese, but had put it down to the patch being relatively new (at the time). I was definitely logged into PSN, as I kept getting messages of friends, but there was no Mule Kick. Is this a glitch, is my PS3 acting stupid, or is this a real problem? Anyone else experience it? Please let me know, it's really annoying me.

  3. So, I went on to Kino today, to have a bit of a mess around, you know, just, see how I did, nothing serious, when I noticed there was no Mule Kick. I'd noticed this before, when I was playing Ascension and Der Riese, but had put it down to the patch being relatively new (at the time). I was definitely logged into PSN, as I kept getting messages of friends, but there was no Mule Kick. Is this a glitch, is my PS3 acting stupid, or is this a real problem? Anyone else experience it? Please let me know, it's really annoying me.

  4. The Burning Inferno

    PaP'd name: Porter's x2 Dragon Fire

    It's like a shotgun, as it's pump-action, and it shoots a ball of fire that incinerates any zombie it hits (they'd do this little animation of trying to pat out the fire on their arms, before melting, some into skeletons, some into ash). Would be great if you have them all lined up. PaP'd, it would have golden and crimson camo, and would shoot a continuous stream of blue fire, that would last ten seconds. Kind of like a flamethrower, but it's one hit kill at any round. Ammo- same as Wunderwaffe, 3/15, 6/30 when upgraded.

    AiB 935i Launcher (Annihilation is Beauty 935-issued Launcher)

    Pap'd name: PiE 115N Launcher (Pain is Eternal 115 Nuclear Launcher (Or, the Pie Launcher. Whatever floats your boat)).

    Like a China Lake, but no pump action or whatever it is, and the wooden stock is metal. It's silver and blue all over, with the 935 logo on the side. It has no iron sights, but has a curved red underbarrel laser, that shows where the grenade will travel to (like when you throw a bomb in AC Revelations). Upgraded looks the same, but it's golden, with glowing red cracks all over the barrel. 935 logo is replaced with a '115 logo,' which has an open claw, not a clenched fist, and says 115 instead of 935. The laser will be blue. It launches a grenade that kills any zombie in the radius. Any zombies that are close, but not close enough, will become crawlers. When it's upgraded, it doesn't make crawlers at all, and the explosion is a mini mushroom cloud, followed by a huge dust cloud that wipes out any remaining zombies. Ammo- 2/20, 4/32 upgraded.

    Whaddaya think?

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