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Posts posted by DJDerp

  1. With Black Ops 2 just around the corner I wanted to bring back somewhat of a memory thread. Since MW3 sucks, I'm assuming everyone who normally plays CoD plays Black Ops. Well I was curious what everyones favorite, funniest, epic moment on BO was. Doesn't have to be zombies, could be MP. Tell me what your favorite memory was.

    Mine was around March last year on XBOX and I got 22 kills in search and the whole lobby was screaming.

    My funniest memory was on the PS3, I was playing with some friends and one of them sucked (I'm mean SUCKED) at zombies. At the end around level 20 I had double the amount of headshots he had total kills.

    Now I am curious what yours are.

  2. Does anyone have any idea what a lighting strike is ;)

    I have an idea. I'm thinking the lightning strike is the same thing we see at the end of the trailer. The jet kamikazes right into an enemy player. I can tell it isnt remote controlled because how it descended to the ground. It wasn't smooth, but it was blocky and therefore looked like AI controlled. But that's not all to prove that point.

    Look at how many there are up there! You cant control all of those in such a small time. I feel like this killstreak will be a very high one, maybe an equivalent to dogs seeing as to how many are there in the sky.

    So basically these jets will patrol the map for an amount of time. In that time, it will seek out enemy players and kamikaze into them. I feel like there will be an unlimited amount of jets, but a small time to kill with them; again, just like dogs.

    I agree, I think that this will be called lightning strike because... well, it's pretty self-explanatory. I think this will work like a helicopter, just harder to shoot down. So when someone is out in the open for a certain amount of time it will strike and explode, and Flak Jacket will probably prevent them from killing you (If your sprinting) but will majorly injure you.

    Just a few ideas I came up with while sitting here.

  3. The unscoped bolt action rifle. Officially pumped for Blops 2 multiplayer. :lol:

    IKR? I missed that so much! That's why WaW has stayed my favorite COD!

    It's gonna be really powerful too! That guy got a triple with it! :D

    That triple was with a golden shotgun, not a sniper. :lol:

  4. Let's take a quick second to think this out;

    1. Campaign: First seen on a youtube video, then later elaborated at E3.

    2. Multiplayer: Yet again, first video, then maybe Elaboration at Gamescon?

    3. Zombies: Normally a little sniplet in trailers, could we see a new trailer and have a sniplet at Gamescon?

    I don't know, but I have a very good feeling that we will get SOMETHING of Zombies at Gamescon, probably very small, but something.

  5. Also, no one really touched on this, but gamemodes. What gamemodes do you think we will see? Will "War" from WaW be back? Will Kill Confirmed and Team Defender be back? Maybe a lot of new gamemodes besides the standard ones?

    Also, CoD Points will they be back?

  6. I am honestly curious why you guys are trying to change everything? Everything looks nice and is fully functional, what is exactly "wrong" that you need to change? The only thing I would really like to see is a Chat System. But mainly, I want someone to tell me why you guys are trying to change everything.

    We're making a change that won't "Change" things in a way, but will make things better for staff and the user experience better.

    Trust me, it's hard to describe, it's nothing major, but it is major at the same time.

    It's confusing, but it'll make more sense when we tell you guys what we're doing, which we can't yet because we are figuring out some final details.

    Before you attack any of this, please, just stick with us, it will all make sense soon.

    Thanks for the clarification. With this I assume CoDz will be more Social.

  7. LMB is dumb, a lot of partnered youtubers just don't care, they are only in it for the money.

    So they will put up anything to get your attention even though it is obviously fake.

    The kid is 14 (I think). Not sure if he's in it for money at his age...

    Trust me, "Every youtube partner is in it for the money."

    I know how youtube is.


  8. Well they were saying new theme, mods, medals and brains. So, I was just curious why they are doing this? I know brains and medals (which they should come back) are something that have been duscussed lately. But I really want to know "why?"

  9. I am honestly curious why you guys are trying to change everything? Everything looks nice and is fully functional, what is exactly "wrong" that you need to change? The only thing I would really like to see is a Chat System. But mainly, I want someone to tell me why you guys are trying to change everything.

  10. Right now when I look for team mates I like to add them on skype and then we can talk on there and then get into the game.

    But besides that, I would be up for this sometime.

    That's a great idea. Skype is great for communication and to keep in touch. I guess i need to add that to my signature instead of psn :lol:

    I think we should just add a bunch of people for each console in a skype call and just type then and there and see who wants to play, not have to wait for a response on CoDz where they might not see it.

  11. Hey guys, so earlier today on the Call of Duty: Black Ops Facebook page they uploaded some pictures of Black Ops zombies on the Android, so I researched more and found it on the Andriod app store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... v.blackops

    Here are some of the pictures that are on the Call of Duty facebook page:

    (I don't own any of these pictures, all pictures belong to Treyarch and Activision)

    Again, it is out on the Android app store and is avaliable for $6.99 USD.

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