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Posts posted by Dasurfinbird

  1. While the subject is a play on words with my name I would like to introduce myself. My gamer tag is DaSurfinBird on 360 and I think most of us know where the influence came from. I love zombies, and I've been checking out the theory sections for quite some time. I would love to use the teammate finder when things slow down a bit but I am a college student so time is something I don't have a lot of. My favorite maps are FIVE and Shi No Numa because of the crazy atmosphere and feeling I get while playing them. I am an average player with my highest round only being 33 on Kino and Ascension but this looks like an awesome community here on this site, and I'm sure I'll pick up tips along the way. See you on the forums soon zombie slayers!

  2. First post on the forums (yay!). I would love to see the cast from FIVE return because it is probably my favorite black ops map, but I have to agree with what everyone is saying and that it's too unpopular in the community to create a follow up map. FIVE left more questions than most maps did for me, and I love following the zombie story but realize this was probably more of a bonus map than anything. But what is the real identity of the Thief? Why is it when you die there's electricity around you? I wish Treyarch would consider making a bonus map sometime releasing it as a mini DLC and have it be a follow up map to FIVE, but the chances of that are probably not good. Even with MW3 I know people will still be slaying the undead, so it wouldn't be a terrible idea, however Treyarch is probably busy on the next big project anyway. Best of luck to them too!

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