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Posts posted by seven2heven

  1. well after all this we cant ignore that the next game is related to the moon especially after krazycookies found those great evidence :

    Tacitus is a lunar impact crater located to the northwest of the crater Catharina, at the northern extension of the Rupes Altai ridge line. Directly west is the crater Almanon, and to the northeast is Cyrillus. To the southeast of Tacitus is a long chain of craters named the Catena Abulfeda. This chain runs to the northwest from the eastern edge of the Rupes Altai, continuing for over 200 kilometers

    so i guess this is what'll happen ...... 1st we start at moon with electricity off cuz of richtofen's outragous control over the zombies (which by the passing of time cause damage to the station ) and we have to turn it on and find our way out . how is that? unfortunately i cant guess more than an average player and say either teleport to earth or teleport back in time (Screw Time Loops!) or to the other side of the moon or to some alien teleporter which is the original source of 115 and came to claim it back xD (thats going too far , i know lol) and they may put something far of our current imagination xD (after all they're treyarch ) . oh and last thing but a bit off topic ... the co-ordinates that smh found from the new code may be containing answers to questions we ask before "BO2Mania" like : location of SNN and stuff why i say this because the co-ordinates are in asia.

    thats all so i know u have lots of ideas like or probably much much ..much.. better than mine xD so ill let u start the discussion now :) .

  2. My finds on TACITUS:

    Cornelius Tacitus; Famous Roman philospher.


    And it's Latin meaning is 'Silent'.

    So what I can get from this, is that it's probably going to be a codename of Operation in the game. Since the Government loves to use fancy code names based off of latin words or significant historical figures. The true meaning will likely not be decoded until the game comes out.

    Your a bit late, man. We have already been told that the Roman Philosopher and stuff is irrelevant to TACITUS...It has to be solved, FPSRussia said he would give a prize if someone solved it. Plus, we get a new image tommorow

    and by the looks of it we are going to stay up late tomorrow too

    AWSOME FIND SCATAPULT [brains] 4 u

  3. couldnt help but to post it..... so far i found 2 charcters in 2 different VERY famous games such as Command&Conquer and others and now i find this gamer blog news? whats up with that? 3arc screwing or co-operation between games?

    The Gamers Blog : http://tacticusrex.blogspot.com/

    Coincidence. Why would 3arc involve CoD with another franchise?

    dunno why involve maybe not involve but its no coincidence .... tacticus ? that is a HELL OF an unpopular name .

    oh and i found this ..... http://www.unleet.com/stuff/prv:datalogger:start looks to me like that newspaper loading analyse of some popular member in codz (srry couldnt remmember but EPIC post) it mentioned about costs and shipping stuff check it out

  4. noticed this yesterday but some boxes do that film reel effect faster than others maybe related to a code similar to mores? just saying and......its true... since we're dealing with treyarch theres no limit to expectations lol as far as i guess we might play in the temple of tacitus or maybe we continue in a hole in moon as (agartha Moon) or something ... oh n btw since treyarch watches what we say they can update their videos accordingly so if we find out what the next box secret they'll update it to reveal .

    SO EXCITING!!!! :D

  5. .....im a muslim n i wont say like (REMOVE THIS !!) i wont . actually it makes sense but i would suggest something more like (Pharoah-ish) cuz u know that pyramid on the space in the loading screen of moon and actually everywhere ... just sayin if u didnt want to open the religion thing plz dont put the name of the religion in the title . i know it's hard to come up with a title but try ur best oh and [brains] for u my friend :)

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