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Posts posted by Zombie_Demise

  1. Interesting, 935's motto was to help mankind though, but Maxis was being supplied by the Nazi's secretly, He told Richthofen in one of the Radios he didn't want to accept there help but he had no choice or something like that but he could have been lying. But here's the one big problem, Group 935 was on the moon before the zombies were created I'm pretty sure. But the Rockets have me stumped, Because Richthofen wasn't going insane back then and he wasn't evil so he probably would have tried to stop the rest of Group 935 and Maxis if they was trying to blow up the Earth. But that's just my opinion.

    Group 935 Helping mankind????

    I dont think building wonder weapons and undead armies is gunna help mankind....just sayin

  2. Hello codz, I'm new here but i'm very up to date with the zombies storyline :)

    Please give me some feedback.

    This is what i think the moon base was supposed to be used for.....To Rid of the Earth and make the moon another place to live. I think that group 935 wanted to get rid of the Earth because it was infested with zombies or they wanted to kill everybody earth & become the Ultimate Race, so that they wouldnt have to worry about people from different countries to try to steal they're research and technology & they could continue work with element 115 without destraction.

    And here's why i think so

    . The Bio Dome- There you can see they're work for making a livable environment on the moon. Maybe they were planning a shipment of animals to go there from Earth......

    .The Buildings/Doors- Well you know hows those doors around the map seem to have some sorta barriers that keep oxygen inside the buildings...maybe they could have used that technology to make an entire city on the moon

    .The Rockets(here we go ;) )-Well this is a main part of why i made this theory.

    So when group 935 were to finally finish their ultimate Moon base, they where were going to rid of the Earth with the rockets, just as Maxis has done so :| .

    So this just my theory

  3. Hello codz! My name is Zombie_Demise (this is not my GT/PSN) and I'd like to say I'm a Really good zombie player, IMO :lol:. I've made it to very high rounds in zombies at every map and my goal for this site is to help people with easter eggs/ getting to high rounds, uncovering more of zombies storyline, & and be a very good member to codz :mrgreen:. So Thank you for your time & i hope u enjoyed it.

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