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Posts posted by Spock

  1. "Villa Der Numa" wouldn't be a good name for it though. It's a combination of two, maybe three languages. Der is German. Numa is Japanese (And means "swamp," not "death." "Shi" is death. Shi No Numa literally means Death's Swamp). I don't know if Villa is a German word. If it isn't, it is a word in Spanish and Italian. "Mansion of Swamp" wouldn't exactly be a good name for a Zombies map.

  2. Oh, by the way, I have pretty much confirmed that this WAS made by Treyarch. I read all the information on perk jingles on that blog WhosOnFirst posted a link to. I learned that that old Juggernog jingle (as well as the other three original jingles) were sung by a guy named Craig. If you listen to the Quick Revive jingle (primarily the first version, which isn't as rough), you will hear that the voice of the singer is very similar to the voice of the singer of the "old" Juggernog jingle. Personally, I would have liked it better if they had used the original Juggernog jingle.

  3. http://briantuey.blogspot.co.uk/

    Have a look through there, the jingle sounded familuar so I guess I may have heard it there before. Cant be sure though :D

    Yes, I found a post about the "old" Juggernog jingle, but I can't find out how to listen to it, or if you even can.

  4. Vader210":u82woxr1]This an extremely good theory although this is the first time I have heard of it.

    But if Area 51 is on Moon then how come there is an explosion there when you teleport before the missiles hit it?

    I never said I thought Area 51 was on the Moon. I said it was on Cretaceous Earth.

    And Thunderwaffe, GREAT theory! Perhaps the Earth seen from the moon is actually Earth millions of years from now.

    [brains] to you!

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmLMgcmhvKg

    I found this while on YouTube. My question that I hope some of you might be able to answer is this: What is it? Is it fan-made? That would be my first assumption, but doesn't sound like the bad quality you'd expect fan-made jingles to have. Also, why would someone work so hard to make a fake jingle that would only get 200-ish views? Another possibility is that this was originally going to be used as the Juggernog jingle, but was replaced with the current one, leaving this one buried deep within the game's files. If any of you know where this came from, I would really like to know.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmLMgcmhvKg

    I found this while on YouTube. My question that I hope some of you might be able to answer is this: What is it? Is it fan-made? That would be my first assumption, but doesn't sound like the bad quality you'd expect fan-made jingles to have. Also, why would someone work so hard to make a fake jingle that would only get 200-ish views? Another possibility is that this was originally going to be used as the Juggernog jingle, but was replaced with the current one, leaving this one buried deep within the game's files. If any of you know where this came from, I would really like to know.

  7. Actually, Kino der Toten is "Cinema of the Dead" or "Movie theater of the Dead." Theater Der Toten would be Theater of the Dead.

    And Verruckt can be Crazy, insane, or asylum. I don't know if it's context, or whatever, but this just shows my German basics.

    Yes, but when referring to a cinema, do you say "cinema?" No, you say "theater," right? Even Richtofen said, "Theater of the Damned."

  8. No. No. No. No. PLEASE don't mention Elite. I hate Elite. It's so pointless. You can buy the DLC later and not have to pay for a membership. I hope Elite is just and Infinity Ward thing, or better yet- just a MW3 thing- so Black Ops 2 won't have to suffer the terror of Elite.

  9. Past COD games have come with a Hardened and Prestige version, not an Elite version. I certainly hope Elite is only an Infinity Ward thing. If Elite is in Black Ops 2, I might just kill myself. It's so pointless, you can just buy the map packs later. You don't need Elite. And why do people need to be in special clans with yellow clan tags. So stupid... Elite will turn out to be a failure (I hope) and won't be included in Black Ops 2. Remember COD Points? What a disaster.

  10. well of course I can argue it but for some reason I have this deep desire to state my take on this. for instance if they could colonize the moon an airless rock then why would colonizing earth millions of years ago be any harder? but of course there hasn't been any proof that we can travel back in time only forwards so there goes that.

    It's Zombies, for crying out loud! Zombies don't really exist. If zombies can exist in the storyline, then backwards time travel can exist in the storyline. Like I said, nothing is too absurd for Zombies.

  11. Good theory, HOWEVER, I am confident this was taken from PlaytheGame.co. They had recently published a series on their ideas behind the zombies story. One common them we and PTG are trying to build with each other is a trust system were ideas can be accredited where they are due. That is why I am asking you, if you honestly know that Playthegame had created an idea EXTREMELY SIMILAR to this, then at least mention them, or give them credit if it was completely created by them.

    I don't even know what Playthegame.co is. Therefore, I didn't plagiarize. If I did get this from Playthegame.co, I would have cited it. Please don't accuse me of plagiarism.

  12. Huh? Visible side? The first image is just a close-up of what you see from the map. It is not the other side of Earth. A player used NoClip to get close to the Earth and took a screenshot. That is the exact same image you see while on the Moon in Zombies. Next time you play "Moon," look up at Earth and see for yourself.

  13. Nacht Der Untoten- Literally translates to "Night of the Undead," but was probably intended to mean 'Night of the Living Dead" like the movie.

    Verruckt- "Verruckt" is German for "Crazy."

    Shi No Numa- Japanese for "Swamp of Death" or "Death's Swamp."

    Der Riese- "Der Riese" is German for "The Giant." The name seen on the side of the building, "Waffenfabrik Der Riese," means "Weapons Factory of the Giant."

    Kino Der Toten- German for "Theater of the Dead," or "Theater of the Damned," as Richtofen says in the map's intro.

    I hope this helped.

  14. Even the most optimistic Zombies players now struggle to find a continuation to the Zombies storyline. Richtofen blew up the Earth. The characters are stuck on the Moon forever. Some players think this is the end of Zombies and Black Ops 2 will not feature the beloved game mode. But I do not think this is the case. It is my firm belief that Zombies will thrive in Treyarch's next game even more so than it did in Black Ops. Here is my reasoning:

    From http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3z6hUv0nUw, by MrChillax6

    Please direct your attention to the image above. This was taken by a modder in Black Ops using using NoClip. Many of you will recognize this as the Earth as seen from the Moon in "Moon." But look more closely at it. Do you see any of Earth's continents, such as Asia, Africa, the Americas, Europe, etc.? No. I believe that's because this is not an image of Earth as we know it.

    This is Earth during the late Cretaceous Period. Doesn't the first image look more like this than modern Earth? Now, I know many of you will not be very quick to accept the hypothesis that "Moon" took place 65 million years ago, but it's not impossible. We know from past Zombies levels that our four characters travel through not only space, but time as well. For example, they went from the WWII era to the Cold War era without aging. However, there are still unanswered questions. Why would there have been a moon base 65 million years ago? What about Area 51? My answer: there is no answer- yet. There wasn't a base on the moon in the '60s or '70s, the time period in which the level is currently thought to have taken place. There isn't one there now either. Remember, nothing is too absurd for Zombies. One often ignored, and still unexplained phenomenon is the mud pits in Area 51. Area 51 is in a desert, and deserts are usually dry. The Cretaceous Period had a wet climate. And remember, nothing in Zombies is in any way based on fact.

    I have digressed from my original topic: the continuation of the Zombies storyline. As is commonly known, missiles were launched from the Moon during the level's Easter egg. Those missiles crashed into Earth, and inevitably caused a mass extinction killing every human on Earth similar to the extinction that killed the dinosaurs. But if my hypothesis is correct and "Moon" did take place 65 million years ago, the extinction wouldn't have been similar to the one that killed the dinosaurs, it would have been the extinction that killed the dinosaurs.

    The title of the Easter egg is "Richtofen's Grand Scheme." What reason would Richtofen have to kill everyone on Earth? If the dinosaurs didn't die out, humans wouldn't exist now. Maybe Richtofen's scheme was to kill off the dinosaurs so that humans could come to exist. The truth is, we won't know if any of this is true until the next game arrives this November. We'll just have to wait.

    To wrap things up, I'll tie up some loose ends. Some people believe Area 51 isn't on Earth. If you look to the sky on Area 51, you will see the same image of Earth that you see while on the Moon. This is because Area 51 is actually in the same map as Moon, not a separate one. If you use NoClip to explore the map and go just beyond the Biodome, you will be able to reach Area 51 without the use of a teleporter. Since the two locations are in the same map, the same image of Earth will be seen from both locations. It is unavoidable. At least Treyarch knew it would raise some questions. They sure do like being cryptic. Also, many people have noticed that if you die on "Moon," no music plays. This has lead some players to believe there will be no more zombies in Treyarch's next game. Previously, the song from the next map's musical Easter egg played when you died. "115" from "Kino Der Toten" even played when you died in "Der Riese." But this is because "Kino Der Toten" was originally going to be in World at War. When Treyarch didn't add a fifth map pack, the map was moved to Black Ops. There was no extra map pack planned for Black Ops. Therefore, there's no musical Easter egg for the next map- yet, and no music at the end of "Moon."

    The point of this post was not to suggest that the next set of Zombie maps will take place 65 million years ago. If the characters teleported back in time, they can teleport forward again. But the point of the thread was to suggest that maybe Richtofen didn't end humanity by sending the missiles in the Easter egg. If my theory is correct, modern Earth is quite intact in the Zombies story, and ready for a whole new set of zombie adventures in Treyarch's next game.

    EDIT: I am aware that this is not the only place on the internet where this theory is posted. I realized that the Earth didn't look like modern Earth and did some research, and found out that it looked more like Cretaceous Earth. After that, I did some internet searching to find out if this theory was posted elsewhere, and it is. However, it was not posted on any forums huge among the Zombies community, like this one. Someone in a later post mentioned the website Playthegame.co. Before posting this, I had never heard of that website. The first image of Earth in this post is a screenshot of a Youtube video from a player who NoClipped to Earth and took a picture. I discovered this video while searching for my theory elsewhere on the internet. I was not the first person to think of this, true. But I discovered it on my own. If I had used anyone else's research and work, I would have cited it. The only thing here that came from anyone else's work was the first picture, which has now been cited. I am not a plagiarizer, please don't accuse me of being one.

    *EDIT* Forum user Thunderwaffe (who replied to this thread) has proposed another theory as to why Earth looks different. Tectonic plates are still moving. Maybe the Earth seen in Moon is Earth millions of years from now, not millions of years in the past. This would explain the fact that in Moon, there's a moon base. Great theory, Thunderwaffe!

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