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Posts posted by D3C0D3R

  1. Information released has said that the new zombie map will include hidden easter eggs showing clues to the past storyline as well as future zombie maps. Black Ops is supposed to have the most map packs out of any Call of Duty, which it already would be with 4. There really isn't enough time for them to develop another fifth map pack between the release date of the fourth and the release date of Modern Warfare 3. I'm guessing that either MW3 or a future Call of Duty will contain more zombie maps. With the moon zombie map, we might be coming into a more modern stage, and lots of people have said that we might have a new crew for this, so basically my thoughts are that MW3 may contain some of these "future zombie maps"

    The "Moon map" should not be the last Nazi Zombie map

    hate to spoil ur comment but only the Treyarch games will include Zombies as that is there trademark, only Activision works both with Treyarch and Infinity Ward (MW series). MW however is trying to introduce their own version of 'zombies' where it's a crossbreed between zombies and their Spec-Ops game mode in MW2.

    I definitely agree though that it should not be the last map and could actually be leading into a more modern call of duty zombies (after black ops) Due to it refers to a style of 'Moon Base', a concept that NASA and NATO are putting efforts or at least were to start construction in 2012 :P

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