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Posts posted by Rias

  1. Alright, I shall ad you both, then. Just one more thing I forgot to mention is that I have no headset, so communication will be difficult while playing a game. I hope this isn't too much of a problem. I plan to get one soon, but it might be a little.

  2. Hello, everybody.

    I am a guy who has just joined the forum at the time of writing this, and I hope to enjoy my time here. I play Zombies in Black Ops for the PS3, and have gotten bored of simply playing Solo. So, I have come seeking people to play with. I have read the code of conduct, and hope that I do not accidentally break any of the rules. I do not intend to do so, and thus, I hope we get along well because of that.

    I have been playing Black Ops since about a month before First Strike came out, and have enjoyed Zombies mode more than the regular game. Much more. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I picked up the Classic Zombie maps recently, and hope to enjoy those maps as well.

    My Playstation Network ID is: Rias-Kamalo

    I live in the United States, and have had a mild experience with internet forums in the past. I apologize if this post was ridiculously long, but I just wanted to get stuff said. So, to put it short, "Hi, I'm new, and I love Call of Duty Zombies!"

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