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Posts posted by NeenjaRaptor

  1. I've never seen that video nor that exploded Earth from area 51 either.. This poses some interesting questions. How do you story guys explain this? Is area 51 in fact on the moon and not on Earth? Whats there before the moon Easter egg is done? Is it clearly the Earth?

    I believe that Area 51 was dislodged from the Earth when the missiles hit, causing it to float in space.

    The concept of Area 51 floating in space is an illogical assumption; It would operate on a weaker gravity than Moon seeing as how it is no longer a part of Earth's gravitational field and, therefore, it would also have very weak, if any, levels of Oxygen.

    Treyarch wouldn't have overlooked this; it's too obvious.

    I wouldn't be able to tell what it is, but I can tell you what it isn't.

  2. If you take the word to be 'unsgeric':

    The word 'unsgerich' isn't fully shown as there are letters hidden under the picture.

    Although, if i'm right in saying so, there would usually be an 'h' to follow the 'c' but I wouldn't know how to finish off the word there. There would possibly be a further two or three letters to follow this but I'm not entirely sure.

    If, for whatever reason, it is decided that 'uns' and 'gerich' are two separate words then you would find it means something alone the lines of 'we directed', but it doesn't look likely that these are two separate words as shown in the picture.

    If you take the word to be 'ausgeric':

    Again, the word needs an 'h' on the end, which would make it 'ausgerich' roughly translated as 'aligned'. This seems more likely, however, the word may still be incomplete. To finish the word you are going to need to identify the tense that this piece is written in and rearrange the verb correctly.

    All i'm sure of is that this word is a verb, whether it says 'unsgeric' or 'ausgeric' is a matter of opinion.

    The whole thing probably says something about 'As soon as aligned, it is at the top of the [i Can't decide what this would be].' I would definitely say it involved the action of 'directing' or 'aligning' as they are both similar.

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