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About InhumaneBrdman

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  1. I dont really have a moon strat and was wondering if any body had any good spots they camp with minimal windows, a flow, has gravity, and an escape route. Right now I camp in the power room with on person guarding the window down those stairs and the other three guys guarding the flow. Any help or suggestions?
  2. sorry I have been at school all day... :cry: im sure ive missed some stuff what ive missed
  3. sorry I have been at school all day... :cry: im sure ive missed some stuff what ive missed
  4. That is Area 51, and many things are in the area that is also on Hangar 18. I can't provide any picture due to a personal problem (too lazy), but in Hangar 18, there are huge, rotating towers which I have absolutely no clue on what they do. If you look at this place, you see those things as well, and there's a hangar that you actually see in both Hangar 18 and this place. If Phillips is right, which it seems so, then both you and I should be happy Im sure that it is area 51 like you said and the easter egg might not have any thing to do with it but thats most likely where you Pack.
  5. There is like 51 area 51 topics but lots of people have speculated about an area 51 zombies map even before moon and no those pictures are very convincing.
  6. ok i will add that and thank you for putting us back on topic
  7. Seriously this has every thing you need to know and if I missed any thing tell me and i will add it
  8. thanks man its not going to drop people need to see this!
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