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Posts posted by BewareOfThe6

  1. At the start of Kino Der Toten, the loading screen for solo zombies features a diary entry from richtofen, and he talks about the 'girl' going off somewhere. This is strange because isn't Samantha supposed to be dead? It is highly likely that Dr. Maxis and Samantha were staying at the theatre, since the 'Pack-a-punch room' has a desk with the piece of the meteor Richtofen is looking for, a drawing of a zombie and the name Dr. Maxis on the table; furthermore when you go into Samantha's room, it's clear that Samantha is living in the theatre or near it at least. when you go into the dressing room, there is a window with boxes in there and if you aim at it you will hear something knocking and bumping around in it. The box is quite small, only big enough for a child so Samantha could be hiding in it! Isn't it strange how their is writing on the walls, clearly done by a small girl, in the same room where she is supposedly staying?


    -Samantha may not be dead!

    -Richtofen clearly has something in store for Samantha


    The writing on the walls in the dressing room have the following meaninngs;

    Samantha: 'Listener of God'

    Abbigail: 'Father in rejoicing'

    Emilia: 'Rival'

    If you read alot of the posts on this website, you will probably come across the theory of the illuminati, written by AlphaSnake, then you will know there is alot of involvement from Satan and hell etc. Firstly, the name Samantha means Listener of god, or a god follower. This is the complete opposite of Hell and therefore Richtofen, if the theory of a 'deal with the devil' is correct. Then you have Abbigail, which means 'Father in rejoicing'. This is interesting because wasn't Maxis killed by Richtofen at the peak of his research? Another theory could be that, tying in with my Samantha conspiracy, that Maxis could be happy that Samantha is still alive even if he himself is dead. The name Emilia is also another point of interest, because not only is the word 'Rival' something to do with the relationship of the Maxis family and Richtofen, but the word Emilia is italian. In 1943, the italians left the axis because they thought the axis would lose the war. This could mean thhat Richtofen has a grudge, but that is highly unlikely. Not all research is complete so expect more in the future!

    Only time will tell! ;)

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