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Posts posted by Str4ng4r

  1. :facepalm:

    worst pictures ever

    Indeed they are horrible pictures, but at least I didn't jump on here and say I did it without any proof. It was the best I could grab at the time :oops:

    And btw, has anyone heard or read about a glitch like this anywhere else?

    Theirs loads of videos showing you how to do this on youtube. Hopefully it will get patched soon.

  2. I couldn't care less who the character was. It's much more challenging with him in the map but slows the rounds down way to much and can get you really frustrated. Sucks all the fun out of the game. Like others have said would be better if he appeared every 3 or 4 round for 1 round only. I found a nice spot to circle and I don't mind him there with me but there's always some retard that will run past and throw a grenade and I'm left with shitload of crawlers and a pissed off George. Really annoying!!!!

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