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Posts posted by MystikMiami

  1. Well guys, after trying to analyze the video some more after the initial take, I've noticed other things not easily noticeable to someone right away. The first thing is this:


    Yes, I know the blueprints are old news, but I want to point something out that makes sense... The blueprint in the car door scene is clearly not for the Zombie Shield. As you can see at the bottom right of the blueprint, thats not a car door OR a dolly. So my conclusion is other blueprints will be scattered about the map or nearby buildable object parts.

    Another thing that was a little less obvious is this:

    See how she presses the door lock down? For what she's not in a car!! LOL ok my idea is that there's possibly more to the Zombie Shield than just the car door and the dolly, possibly explosives on the front side, and thats the way to activate it, and by equipping the Zombie Shield your character does it by default. But I also believe the explosions can only happen after you Pack-A-Punch it, if that's even possible. Or we could be over-analyzing the situation given the fact that so little video footage was released, but I think I'll go with the explosive approach, I mean why not? We saw how ridiculous PHD Flopper is, explosions from nowhere when you dive from a higher altitude? LMAO.

    Let me know what your thoughts are on this guys.

  2. Hey guys, after seeing the Achievements for Black Ops 2 Zombies, I pondered the lawnmower pic for a second and figured out its possible. By the way I double checked the COC and I didn't see anything regarding stating your opinion. I just want to make sure I'm not breaking any rules, keep in mind, this is my theory based on an official Treyarch photo.

    Please disregard the hackjob on the girl, I had to perform some quick Photoshop Surgery on her, as this is for illustrative purposes only, I’m not gonna spend hours on making her flawless lol.

    Anyway I digress, as you can see, its perfectly possible to ride the mower, its a hell of a lot more fuel efficient than the bus. The mower has a self propulsion system equipped, probably standard for the timeframe this zombie mode is in.

    Notice the handlebar, bent forward, suggesting room to ride on. This and the self-propulsion system are key indicators you’ll be able to ride the mower, giving you the Fuel Efficient Achievement.

    What’s your opinion? Please share your answer and your reason why you think this is possible or not.

  3. Damn codex thats funny, I just checked your gamertag and I can't find the Stand-In achievement..... Only one word can describe that..... BULLSH*T.

    codex115 doesn't have the achievement, stop lying to everyone. I can Photoshop it and actually make it look real.

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