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Posts posted by GoldKiller

  1. Whats your opinion on Call of The Dead? If you haven"t already seen it here is the link.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Cx82OFXM0. Most people are angry at Treyarch for releasing this new map while others are excited. To me this will be a good change because if you think about it there really can only be one more zombie map with everything we want in it( kill Samantha, find out who Dr. Maxis is, and more Easter eggs) So the storyline and zombie mode would just flat out end if that happened. Besides we are coming into a newer age of zombies. This isn't WWII anymore its about present day so Treyarch had to makeup their mind on this. But with that said lets move on to the trailer. HOLY SHIT! IT WAS AWESOME! Four new characters, all new zombies, three new guns( new sniper, special gun replacing thunder gun and also AKIMBO SAWN OFFS!), all new ways to escape from zombies, new ways to interact with different situations and also i saw a new perk! Either it was during this video or the Inside Xbox one but give me your opinions on Call of The Dead and also if I should do gameplay of zombies for youtube? :D

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