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Posts posted by snowmanballz

  1. I never thought about it being 115, good point. The dot and the Nova Crawlers make me hopefull for a connection. I also saw someone post that the orbs people see in the dragons mouth resemble the egg from the Moon EE, I haven't looked at them myself though so I can't say for sure. Just wishful thinking on my part though as I would like to see them return, but of few of Richtofen's Green Run quotes have me worried.

  2. If you look carefuly at the moon when you start a game, you can see a small orange dot that is griffon station. I was just wondering if anyone else noticed, and if poeple think the moon will somehow be involved in this maps EE. Wether it just be refferenced or we might hear the status of the O4 perhaps? :)

  3. I think it will liquify the zombies hit with it, turning them into a substance that remains on the ground for a bit imparing the movement of other zombies. If that is the case I could see it being a very useful support weapon.

  4. I've thought about that too. Only time will tell I guess, because there has to be some use for them and since there is a good chance its going to be involved with the DLC it will probably be a very key part of what goes down in the story.

  5. Personally I think the NAV cards wont be usable untill all the pylons are up and running. Like maybe after all the DLC maps are released and the EE on each are done you have to go back and use a NAV card at a reader under each pylon. What for? Who knows it could start the process to reform the earth, or even somehow help get our original heros back. Just my thoughts anyway.

  6. First of all, I just created my account today but I have been on the forum since der rise. Anyway, back on topic, Treyarch made this map as a break from the story like the post above me said. I love the story line to zombies but it will be nice to have a map with guest characters for a change. This map isn't ment to be a serious map, it's just somthing fun and new to experience and by the looks of the trailer there will be a lot of new and interesting things, such as englud with the pitchfork and trejo's mechetes. Basically, the point im trying to make is they are not giving up on the story but simply

    giving us something diffrent for a change and there is no point in trashing it if you haven't played it even if it is diffrent.

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