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Posts posted by Ansem711

  1. Before you go off thinking in some random kid just proposing another theory hear me out. Im taking latin in school, and for all of you who play ascension the term LUNA might ring a bell. Well i did some digging and it turns out LUNA is a code name for a suspected alien base on the far side of the moon, anyone recall the red dots from Der Riese, or that richtofen is in a spacesuit in ascension. Just maybe he will go up there with JFK Nixon and Fidel. In a telphone on five there is message with everone but McNamara, and that there is a portrait of Richtofen around the Pack-a-Punch, it doesnt stop if you look at the magazines there is one with a head line EXPOSED with the thumbnail for ascension and a subtitle of SPACE RACE i will update this if i come across more info supporting this

    READ MORE ON THE LUNA BASE :http://www.ufocasebook.com/moon.html

  2. Well i think the moon would be have cool additions to gameplay, seeing how treyarch has linked he maps so well and foreshadowed all of them i think we can except a lot of off these in the final game(no more dlc). Treyarch has realized the potential of zombies so there taking advantage of it to make the most map packs

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