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Posts posted by Estonic

  1. I dunno if you can class it "off the wall", but the M191 starting pistol is always useful to upgrade (especially on ascension with flopper). Otherwise... yeah the stakeout is probably my favourite to PaP. I haven't really experimented with PaPing many other wall guns, I might have to try that in my next game!

  2. There have been easter eggs that have been discovered years after the product has been released. The fact that it wasn't found in the code is irrelevant since it can be encoded and rewritten to not be found. The code for another step could be hidden in the team deathmatch protocols for example. Unless you take apart every single line of code, you can't be 100% entirely sure.

    And then there's always a chance that more steps will be added in the future with an update. Some people say oh they can't do that..... why not? It's very simple. They provide us the first few steps now and then will give us some more later if they desire.

    That said, every player receiving a very powerful gun for 90 seconds sounds to me like the end of an easter egg, so unless some valid proof of this website can be given, I'm inclined to believe that the end of the egg has been found.

  3. Easily ray gun... nothing else works well enough on those little buggers.

    Although I don't like to use the ray gun on ascension so it creates a problem... the dolls work pretty well too but since black holes are preferred as well, it's kind of annoying.

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