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Posts posted by butty578

  1. No your quite right he would have to wait for it to cool down and re link etc, figured people would get it lol.

    Not been able to find players who work together and listen to instruction so not been able to test it myself yet.

    not convinced it will do anything, nor putting them in, in order either... If so, why do we get them on solo?

  2. I've heard a couple of rumours as to the purpose of the reels;

    1) That you need 4 players... 3 of you collect reels (only 3 anyway)

    Those with the reels teleport up

    Put the reels in the projctor (at the same time)

    the other guy then teleports up and finds the fourth reel

    upon putting it in the projector enables a hidden stair case to enable visiting the room at any time

    Like I said it's a rumor, I've searched for it online and can't find it anywhere, and the person that mentioned it to me hasn't actually done it either.

    2) They just slow the zombies down... tbh don't know don't care... just get in my loop so I can shoot you down faster :)

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