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Posts posted by JaDiMa

  1. ^^

    Dude, just wait for the next map pack. I am sure this is just a filler, you should have all your fav monkeys/dogs/traps and gersches in next map packs.

    I have no problem handling George myself at any round. This map is as good as any other maps if not better IMO.

    i do think this map design is absolutely awesome. too bad you cant turn off George. oh well, maybe next map we will get back into it.

  2. If I wasnt very good at video games It would bother me but considering camping isnt the only thing I am capable of, I think it was a good addition.

    Camping during zombies is a legit strategy which has nothing to do with being good or bad at video games. Regardless of your strategy, having your teammates shoot him all the time won't help you. George is bad, not just because he ruins camping, but because of his dynamic and how he interacts, it changes the game mode too drastically.

    Camping during zombies was a legit strategy, and I think they realized the game was too easy so they added George. Im not saying someone is bad at video games if they dislike George, im just saying being good at video games makes it easy to adapt to. Personally I avoid playing with teammates who are going to just shoot George, and have worked out a strategy to deal with him easily and effectively the whole game.

    TBH Id be pretty disappointed if they just gave us another circle to run in endlessly. I am glad they are working to add new material and challenges to make sure it isnt the same thing over and over.

    I had a team of zombie players and we were dedicated to the cause. we had over come the dogs, scientists and monkeys. we had a good time and we played every map that 3arc created. but George ruined it for us. we do not play anymore. the one thing that gets me is this is a game you are going to lose no matter what. you cannot win; that's the idea. i have never had more fun losing in a game. lol. you sooner or later get to a hairy point and zombies are running everywhere. it can be utter chaos and any second you and you teams are going to lose it. so why make a game harder when its already impossible to win? yeah, we had a guy kite George around to get him away, while someone held a zombie or created a crawler. it just took the fun right out of the game and made it tedious and overly time-consuming. we gave it our best shot, but it just was not fun enough to play anymore. i know i am not be the best player in the game, at best i am average. and i am okay with that. like it was said in the quote, it just changed the game too much.

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