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Posts posted by fabioman

  1. so I just entered a match of ascension and, as usual, checked to see if i had a four bar collection. i saw a guy with the username "winnersheen", and i laughed, since i love charlie sheen's interviews. and, so, i kept playing until we opened the upstairs door and we all ran out in the courtyard. and "winningsheen" (who already had 8000 points, and i this was only round four) grabbed the smg on the wall near the gate door. when "winningsheen" did this,a mic pic popped up next to his name and he said " that's winning!" in a voice that sounded exactly like charlie sheen. i thought it was a coincidince, so i kept playing. and the next round( by which point he amassed 15000 points) "winningsheen" go the death machine, and said " i got tiger blood!" in a voice that sounded exactly like him again. i again dismissied it thinking it was some fake soundboard, but yet again, the next round when he single handedly took out all the monkeys in 45 secs "winningsheen" said " you're dealing with a vatican assassin. what does that mean, you monkey bastards are thinking? whatever, it's a joke. people take everything so seriously these days. how about 'a high priest vatican assassin warlock'?" this was almost too much. i was begining to think it was actually charlie sheen, since it didn't sound at all electronic or pre recorded. and then, at round ten,( at which point he managed to earn 50,000 points!" revived me and said "You now have some of my tiger blood" it was at this point that i messaged him asking if it was charlie sheen and he said "totally man! i Got tiger blood and have been banging seven-gram rocks all day because that's how i roll. when these zombies hit me, i blink and i cure my brain. I'm an F-18 bro, and I will destroy those zombies in the air, and i will deploy zeus cannon to the ground." at this point i was sure it was him. anyway, we kept playing until we reached round 900, at which point charlie sheen switched his brain with one of the zombies, causing an electrical current similar to the wunderwaffe, instead it killed every single zombie that the game could generate. after all of them were destroyed, a message popped up on the screen that said "WINNING! You obviouly have tiger blood and bang 20 gram rocks. you have done the impossible. you have beaten zombies. and charlie sheen shouted "WINNING"' one last time before leaving the game. afterwards, i friended him and we regualarly play, all with the same outcome, and have become very good friends. if fact, i think I'm beginning to get tiger blood.

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