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Posts posted by unkinhead

  1. Before i start with the actual strategy i must say that you have to have a lot of patience and you need to be paying attention the whole time while playing. ok now with the actual strategy.

    Note: the hardest part of this strategy is the build up (1st 10-15 waves, so be patient)

    note: this strategy will be different then most, most strategys include things like "from waves 1-10 do this from 10-20 do this...mine is centered on how each player is at a different skill level, and some people can hold off certain places much longer or shorter than others. this should guide the noobs, and the leets :)

    note: when i say pin yourself against the door, you don't really need to PIN yourself, you may slowly make your way back while molesting zombies

    ok so in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd round get as many knife kills as you can to gather your points, 1st round = 1 knife 2nd round = 2 knife and so forth. if you feel you can keep on knifing rounds 4 and 5 , go ahead, if you want

    after you have gathered the cash buy the m14 then pin yourself against the door leading out of the lobby (top door). kill as many as you can without getting overwhelmed, when their all up on you, open the door

    keep on pinning yourself against the new door you have to buy until you have to open it, you will get much more money this way, of course if you can't because you dont have enough ammo, then skip this step, it is only suggested for most points possible.

    Once you get into the mp40 room i like to then think of both of my weapons as 1: a money maker and 2: my defense weapon.

    so my starting money making weapon is the mp40 (this will earn you lots of cash because of its fire rate and weakness) i use this weapon when they are in huge gangs of zombies, you earn loads of cash like this ( use it around every corner, turn around and shoot)....I then get my first defensive weapon, the stakeout. the stakeout is powerful and you can fight your way out of being cornered with it. i hold the mp40 room with these 2 weapons as long as i can, trying to only use the mp40 for more cash and only using shotgun when you think you might be getting overwhelmed. after i think i have enough money (anywhere from 5000 to 10000), i open both dressing room doors and head onto the stage. i VERY briefly hold the stage without power as it is extremely hard to survive on solo in just the stage.

    After turning on the power (make sure you have at least 3000 (IMPORTANT!)) link the first part of the teleporter than sprint to juggernog, buy it, then link the other side. buy quick revive. wait in the lobby until you see the zombies, mp40 the shit out of them. and do loops around the map turning around using the mp40. MAKE SURE you do not run to fast as they will spawn everywhere. make sure you move at the slowest speed possible without getting killed by the zombies in front of you. do not use any traps, use strictly the mp40. now at the end of this round (the first round that you open the power) you should have a butt load of cash. (if not repeat without using the teleporter, in other words, start in the lobby and make yourself around the map slowly. when you get the cash. find the mystery box. (if its in the alley, open up the lobby door's to it, do not open the stage/alley door unless you have to because it is in that room., also if it is in the alley, do the same exact steps you did this round next round to ensure that you have the same amount of cash you had before unlocking the doors. that way you can use the mystery box more.)

    now heres were it helps to be lucky. hit the mystery box up. your aiming for a thunder gun, you will really need it. but again we are gonna go back to the mindset of 1 weapon being a money maker and 2 weapon being a defensive weapon. anything that has more ammo/fire rate/more power then the mp40 that it is an automatic weapon, take it in place of your mp40, that will be your money maker for now until you run out of ammo. (thats pretty much any assault/smg/raygun since the mp40 blows). For defense, if you get any weapon more powerful then the stakeout in terms of defense take that as well (the ultimate defense weapon is the thunder gun which is what you are aiming for. (raygun is not a defense weapon, trust me its not as good as you think)

    if you dont get any luck, repeat the steps with the mp40 you did the current round until you get luckier and get the thunder gun. once you have the thunder gun and a money maker weapon you are set to high waves.

    from now on only use the thunder gun if you are in SEVERE distress and you really think your going to die, trust me theres like no ammo in that thing. also do not upgrade the thundergun intil its low on ammo. ...anyways about the rounds. from now on your going to, every round (at the end) link both teleporters, use them at the beggining of the new rounds, throw grenades, then do the loop, but in these rounds, use traps. you should be pretty much completely loaded, so use traps, then mp40 in between traps or when you can to get more cash, loop, thundergun through people if you have to, then repeat the next round. if you run out of weapon with your improved money making weapon, just grab the mp40 on the way through the loop. if you die get another quick revive, get another juggernog right away and repeat.....and the dogs are a joke on solo, no tutorial needed, although be aware of dog rounds, if you are low on thunder and think you need to upgrade, remember if there is a dog round coming up that may prolong you having to upgrade the thunder.

    thats my guide!, i hope i could help, if you need anything cleared up or if i didn't mention something silly please comment, also comment on your strategy's as well as i would love to hear them! thanks

    Gamertag: Wallb0unc3 - hit meh up for zombies

    Zombie Records: kino: 50 (solo) Ascension: 38 (4 ppl) Five 25 (solo)

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