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Posts posted by danieltb88

  1. Ok this is the monkey strategy.

    What you need:

    - ray guns (at least 2 people with them)

    - claymores (everyone needs them)

    - 4 perks (everyone needs the same 4 perks)

    *before we start I just want to mention that at the start of the game, after the power is on, everyone should only buy juggernog until the first round of monkeys, as if everyone defends it you can get a free perk early on.*

    Ok so this works best with everyone having ray guns, but if that is not the case this still works well.

    To start everyone needs to buy the same 4 perks. I suggest juggernog, speed cola, stamin-up, and flopper.

    Everyone also needs claymores. What you need to do before monkeys come is save your claymores. You need to assign a perk to each person, so all 4 perks you have are covered. So before monkeys arrive each person adds claymores around their perk machines. If you camp at a lander like speed cola you can leave that one clear and put claymores at all of the other perk machines and then add some to speed at the end before monkeys. If you keep up with it you will be good. The claymores will stay there and not explode since no zombies will spawn there if you are camping in one spot.

    So monkeys arrive and everyone runs to their designated perk machine. Even if you are a little late the claymores will hold off the monkeys. As long as no monkeys even touch any of the machines you get a free random perk. So if everyone has the same 4 perks, and you defend all of those 4, you can get the 5th perk for free.

    This is just an all around good way to protect perk machines from monkeys, by stock piling claymores at them.

    Terrible strategy, how are you going to protect quick revive?

    here's my strategy, don't open the doors to jug, EVER. have your guys stockpile points, work with what you get in the box or use guns off the wall until everyone buys every single perk other than jug, then have them buy claymores and hit up the box til you get ray guns. assign perks for monkey round if you dont have a raygun or good monkey killing gun stay by flopper and flop off the stairs to kill monkeys. and before you get to monkey round lay 2-4 claymores in front of perks but make sure they are spread out so a bunch dont blow up on just one monkey and then it will give you time to get to your perk and protect it, and with the doors to jug still closed monkeys cant get to it so protecting perks is easier and you dont have to worry about jug so when you get your free perk it will be jug

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