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Posts posted by meacham

  1. @ people who think i'm lying, i'm not

    I was going to post the video, but truth be told, we played crap on the day and never got to the point of actually doing it again. If we don't manage to post the video before march, I will just leave a post explaining what to do, its not complicated.

    Here is what I can reveal:

    4 wunderwaffes...juust sayin.

    Personally I don't understand what wunderwaffes have to do with a russian spacestation but there you go. One of my friends believe they heard a character say 'now to find the panel' after we picked up the wunderwaffes, whether its over or not...i can't be sure.

    And as for boosting views on my youtube channel...its not even mine we are using, its a friends who agreed to help us out a little.

    Keep following the forum, and stick to following THE, NOT MY, youtube channel, we may just release a text video explaining how to do it

    Thanks for reading guys :)

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