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Posts posted by WBZS

  1. My name is Xerophobia and it is about time I introduced myself on the best Nazi Zombie site in the world. There is honestly no comparison to what you have here. The amount of knowledge and experience behind these codes are incredible. I'm sure your all already aware of that fact but I'm also sure it does not get stated enough. No site will ever match what you guys have going on here.

    I'm here because I have a thirst for Nazi Zombies that never goes away. My dreams are haunted with them. I still hear zombies moaning even when my system is off. Everything I do has been taken over by Nazi Zombies and I'm loving every second of it.

    I wasted my first two wishes. But after much consideration I have decided not to use my last wish to set the genie free. Instead, I'm going to use it on Nazi Zombies. I'm not sure what to wish for yet, but any ideas would be great. I was thinking some sort of system that gives a lot of cool shit away to the hardcore players like me. I know your there.

    I don't want to have anything to do with glitchers or cheats. Sorry if that is your thing, and I mean no disrespect, but I despise it. Keeping zombies from spawning and running endless circles to reach high rounds makes me want to vomit blood. Maybe I don't get it, but I don't understand how cheating in Nazi Zombies would be fun after a minute or two. I would rather play in my cat's litter box than cheat in a game of zombies. Turd rolling I would call it and it would be fantastic compared to glitching in a wall for 38 1/2 hours to make it to the top of an already cheated leader board.

    When I play, I play for real. There are endless hoards of zombies trying to eat my brains. There are no safe spots. There is no time between rounds to take a break. If I have any ammo it is getting pumped into the nearest zombie. That is how it has to be for me. Hardcore until the end and may the best player survive. I think I just figured out my wish. To have some sort of system that would let everyone play with each other in a ranked hardcore event or challenge mode. Dedicated hardcore players should be rewarded and the best player should survive. Stats should only be tracked for players that are not using glitches or cheats. There should be some sort of leader board that is protected from any kind of cheating or glitching. Rewards should be small but awesome so we could give a lot away to everyone and at the same time it is something they would actually want. All players should be able to sign up and get involved at all levels. A huge player list with one click access to each player and all important player info on one easy to read list. Events and challenges should be easy to create or attend at any time by anyone. It should be simple but effective in doing what it is suppose to do. It doesn't really matter to me how it is put together as long as it does the job. Yes, that should be my last wish. If you want in let me know. I will be here lurking like always.

    Now, where did I put that freaking lamp...

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