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Posts posted by heat1

  1. Okay so I'm relatively new to the COD franchise. And have recently got an xbox (first new console since PS2 8 yrs ago) and I'm terribly obsessed with figuring this thing out. Unfortunately I do not have a team, nor time to dedicate but I wanted to add a thought to this sacrifice theory.

    I read somewhere (can't re-find it) that energy was needed for the 8th step, not "power"; when the monkeys explode they release energy. I don't know if it's even possible to survie it, but what about letting the monkeys steal all the perks and then kiteing/hording them into a group and capturing them with the gersh device? Possibly following them with a couple zeus cannon rounds to kill them.

    I don't know I could be way off, but wanted to add some perspective.

    Your post made me think of something.

    Maybe sacrifice means letting the monkeys take all your perks, then go get the extended death machine to help you survive the next round.

    That could unlock something.

    Just a thought uhh.

    hmmmm, that sounds highly likely... I have heard rumours that straight after the 90 seconds of death machines, it's a monkey round (every time). Can anyone confirm that? Because if it is true, it wouldn't be there for no reason and it would work with your theory

    Sorry to burst the bubble, but I have had a zombie round after death machines, and to be honest the zombie round SEEMED to me like it was extra hard but also you should note that as I started mowing down zombies (about 60 zombies coming at us at once) I got 4 powerups within 5 seconds. Only was able to get that far into it one time though :( I wonder if the death machines (using them into the next round) gives you more frequent power ups.

  2. How about these things:

    On the way to the repair room when you walk through the curved hallway by the upstairs entrance to centrifuge room, there is a flashlight on the ground turned on. If you notice that there are colored particles floating around the flashlight and the beam of light from the flashlight. No other lights on this map including another identical flashlight in the centrifuge room have the colored particles floating around. I also have heard the howling wind in this area. Could we somehow need a gersh thrown there, perhaps power it up some more? Also in that same spot where the turret gun is at by centrifuge upstairs door, there is that spot in the corner where the zombies crawl out of the ground. There is a spotlight shining right on the spot they dig out of the ground for....which seems kind of odd. Right above that hole that they dig out of is a transistor on the side of the building that is sparking, which is fine, but to me it just seemed a little over done, it sparks a lot, which just seemed to me like it was odd.....then again I was trying to find odd things like this. Let me know your thoughts.

    Nice im going to try this out.

    any luck with any of that?

  3. How about these things:

    On the way to the repair room when you walk through the curved hallway by the upstairs entrance to centrifuge room, there is a flashlight on the ground turned on. If you notice that there are colored particles floating around the flashlight and the beam of light from the flashlight. No other lights on this map including another identical flashlight in the centrifuge room have the colored particles floating around. I also have heard the howling wind in this area. Could we somehow need a gersh thrown there, perhaps power it up some more? Also in that same spot where the turret gun is at by centrifuge upstairs door, there is that spot in the corner where the zombies crawl out of the ground. There is a spotlight shining right on the spot they dig out of the ground for....which seems kind of odd. Right above that hole that they dig out of is a transistor on the side of the building that is sparking, which is fine, but to me it just seemed a little over done, it sparks a lot, which just seemed to me like it was odd.....then again I was trying to find odd things like this. Let me know your thoughts.

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