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Posts posted by Mlqb84

  1. I was just playing Ascension and on the loading screen my tip was something along the lines of "We know what red reticles mean, and we know what green ones mean, but what do blue reticles mean?" So obviously red is when you are looking at an enemy and green is when your looking at a teammate. But when does your reticle turn blue??

  2. I definitely think that you're on to something with the four other lights. Think about it... when has Treyarch ever been that anti-climatic?

    What about each person shooting at one of the other 4 lights with the death machines. Doubt it would work but probably worth a shot

  3. Guys, LUNA in spanish and other languages is MOON!

    Could this hint to a space station on the moon? I really hated a map in the moon, but it could make sense, and btw in the real moon, there are some buildings! Not man made buildings, when Armstrong got to the moon, they found an UFO following them and some buildings in the moon!

    Where did you see that there are buildings on the moon??

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