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Posts posted by Vukie

  1. The way I see it, The Casimir effect creates a substituted charge in a vacuum depending on how those 2 plates are positioned. This can be used in space travel as a means of propulsion. We suck in the original Mechanism with step one, thus sending this device to Whoever is trapped. when we power it up, we essiantly let this guy escape using the propulsion created FROM the Casimir effect

    In layman's terms, The Casimir effect is explaning how a pushing or pulling force (similar to 2 magnets) is created when 2 sheets of metal are close enough in empty space when positioned in different areas parallel to each other. Use this on a large enough scale and hypothetically you can move pretty damn fast in space (Since space is a vacuum).

    SO, when you pull off step one, you suck up a generator and send it to mystery man. I'm guessing all the power rerouted to this thing creates a vacuum. When you power it up completely,Mystery man Ascends.

    Like a rocket.

    Which goes to space.

    So....Is anyone following me on this....?

  2. First post here, but anyway

    In one of the videos explaining how to do the mystery man easter egg (I believe it was NextGen Tactics...?) after the player obtained the death machine, he walked around the construction site. Out of the corner of his eye, on a rooftop next to the construction site, you saw a small figure move up.

    The few people that have seen it think it's Sam.

    Maybe use the death machines to attack Sam?

    That's just my theory though.

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