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Posts posted by Undead

  1. Granted, they do seem to be dragging this one a bit with Ascension adding all these new inventions and characters in more than getting on with the initial plot thus far, however I believe Treyarch definitely has a purpose since they like to keep the Zombies stuff to themselves the most. They just love to make us think. :P

  2. If anything, they do need a scavenger-based perk. One that allows you to hold 1 extra special grenade slot, 1 extra normal grenade, 1 extra betty/claymore spot and have a larger ammo capacity.

    Bott-o-lier soda! :D

    Also, judging by most of these comments with Double Tap, it's pretty obvious that Double Tap is the most underrated perk. Sure, it's a bit of an ammo waster as a downside, however, it does more that increases your fire rate, it also boards windows quicker, throws monkey's faster and plant's betties faster. Which, at high rounds and desperate times could potentially save your life.

  3. You mean like a left 4 dead style campaign map? THAT WOULD BE SWEET.
    It's possible, however I think that would honestly rip out the foundation of makes zombies so much fun. It just wouldn't be the same. I DO think though, if they can pull of an easter egg twice as epic as the Ascension one, they could do something where it "expands" the map and unlocks new areas.

    That, would be sweet. :)

  4. First off, Kino and Ascension DID have relevant things to the storyline, but not nearly as much as Der Riese or SNN did. The big Ascension easter egg probably being the biggest cliffhanger we've gotten recently.

    But Kino just seems underrated in regards to the story. A lot of people (including myself) were expecting something along the lines of Area 51 as the next map for zombies, especially after confirming the gas zombies since they look a lot like alien zombie things. Anyways, the point being that Kino has the messages given from the two radios, and the film reels that all relate to a specific subject, explaining that they've made a breakthrough of a zombies subconcious and was beginning to follow orders. That definitely sounds relevant to Der Riese radios if you ask me. Other than that, I believe Kino is just yet another place they used for experiments.


    ANYWAYS... haha sorry I kinda got off there fellas. I just hope they don't do some irrelevant spin off thing. Yeah, they had Five for a goofy Blops themed zombies map, and that's all. I wanna see what happens next with the story, and hope these characters are potentially other iconic characters mentioned throughout the story. :)

  5. I've heard rumors this is actually supposed to be a mini-campaign style map this time since it says new zombies experience as well. Can some one confirm that for me?

    Besides that, I've got a pretty big feeling this is finally beginning to hit a climax here. I'm personally hoping for the gang to be Maxis, Peter, Sophia and Yuri/Geresh.

  6. I highly doubt the actual name for the map pack is "Call of the Dead", it's more than likely just something to stick on there advertising that zombies (obviously) will be returning in the 2nd map pack. Even after First Strike was announced, we didn't even know what the zombies map was going to be until it was much closer to the release date.

    Or in the very least, that's why I hope anyways. It just doesn't make sense for the names to get more bland the further we get.

  7. Is it just me, or does it take awhile for some threads to load? If so, I'd recommend a purge of old threads. At this other forum I went to, they'd clean up the forums a bit and delete old threads to speed things up better.

    Unless it could just be me, then nevermind! :D

  8. I don't doubt there's people out there that either bought Blops or purchased XBL just for zombies. So in the very least, I think Treyarch would be smart to sell a zombies stand alone game with all the maps included, and all the weapons from blops and WaW. Similar to how you can purchase the Undead Nightmare pack that is available for Red Dead Redemption as a separate game.

    It's popular enough that people who enjoy zombies and don't have all the maps (like the classic map on Blops for example) could just by a stand alone game with every single map in one.

    Also, this would be a stretch, I know, but it would be cool if Treyarch also posted "challenges" for everyone to buy and attempt to complete for zombies. Just like purchasing contracts in Multiplayer. And you could gain XP based on the amounts of rounds you survived, downs, headshots, etc. Just for kicks. :)

  9. That might still be a bit early since both PS3 and PC got First Strike this month, however unless they've got a set number of map packs they plan on releasing thoughout the year, it's definitely likely that one could be on it's way sometime this summer. Or more likely, the fall since that's when most epic games are released.

    Regardless, I'm definitely craving to know where the next map will be, and what secrets we will unravel next! :D

  10. More like that guy should have played a little more Dead Ops himself. Still, the zombies ARE getting smarter, since some of the zombies in Ascension are capable of dodging your shots every now and then, they could eventually start having rounds where zombies are wielding weapons of sort.

    Still though, I'm content on seeing zombies in juggernaut suits eventually. THAT would be beast. :D

  11. Alright so thanks to Treyarch keeping the old maps valuable and fresh by keeping old weapons, and basically copy and pasting the original zombie maps over to the Hardened Edition of Black Ops, they also left us so new easter eggs to be found. Some of which, already have.

    Nacht Der Untoten: New Kevin Sherwood song has been added and can be activated by shooting all the explosive barrels in the main area.

    Verruckt: Radio in window plays random songs simular to the one found in NDU.

    SNN: Three more radios found in three of four huts play a message of what sounds to be our four favorite zombie slayers teleporting to or from SNN, or Der Riese. (Or possibly, Kino which is more likely since you start off being teleported to the theater.)

    Now, perhaps I haven't searched enough, but Der Riese is FILLED with easter eggs, most of which are radios that explained what happened at Der Riese. And so far, each classic map had some kind of extra radio added into the map. So what's in it for Der Riese?

    Just browsing through the forums a bit, I've found several posts stating in some way that there are still easter eggs to be discovered or that have been recently discovered in Der Riese. People have put a LOT of time into unraveling the Ascension easter egg, but unless someone has already found something and I don't know about it, I'd say it's time we start focusing more on the older maps and see what we may find.

    Kino for example, had a radio outside the map. Who's to say there isn't another anywhere else? (A bit hopeful, I know... but I always do like to re trace my steps. :))

  12. While zombie maps themselves didn't really hint much at Ascension, everything Black Ops and campaign related sure left a lot of clues. I'm not quite sure exactly it's relevance in the story or how they got there entirely, but considering it includes the original four characters, it must be of some significance, especially with that big easter egg.

  13. Alright so, I wouldn't doubt that if the question were asked, "Which map is the hardest to survive on?" it would arguably be Verruckt without a doubt. So, while playing the map on Solo the other day, I came up with a little strategy that helps with just about any amount of players that can be accomplished in three easy steps:

    Undead's Verruckt Survival Instructions Manual:

    Step 1:

    Spawn on the side with Juggernog (recommended) and hold off until Round 4. Make you way to the showers, and purchase the Trench Gun. This is essential for ammo, and for close quarters. And in this map, that will almost ALWAYS, be the case. Keep the Trench Gun at all times, ammo can be purchased in two spots in the map; near the power room, and by wall next to the staircase by the zappers.

    Step 2:

    Turn on power, purchase mystery box. (Obviously, you're going to want a more powerful secondary to backup your Trench gun, Ray Gun or Winter's Howl are recommended)

    Save up for Jug.

    Step 3:

    Make your way to Speed Cola. After you have purchased Speed Cola, continue to make your way around the map until you have opened ALL doors leading back to original spawn room. Continue to obliterate zombies until you can afford additional perks, betties or better weapons. At the start of each round, Start by the showers. (recommended) As the new round starts, begin to make a loop by heading towards the power room, around the map.

    The hallway where the Thompson is long, after all zombies have spawned, go to the end of that hallway, and blast until your hearts content.

    The end.

  14. I probably speak for the minority here but, I think both Verruckt and NDU are perfectly fine the way they are. Having perk machines in NDU would make it almost too easy, having that small of a map with nothing but a decent weapons combo to put up a challenge. One thing they DID add in the Blops version was the addition of the Monkey Bombs, which would save your life a number of times in that map.

    But other than that, I like how NDU depends on raw survival strategies.

    As for Verruckt, the map is one giant loop for a reason, If found that in Solo, or with a group, your chance of survival actually increase the more doors you have open, that way, you can cross into the next room if things get a bit tight at times.

  15. They usually list what has been fixed, added or changed in each patch. Think they would list some differences in zombie maps? Or just leave that up to us to figure out?

  16. $60 for game (or 80 or 120 depending on the version you bought), + 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 would equal at least 120 bucks for just this one game. Double that if you got the Prestige edition.

    Yeah, Activision wouldn't mind a bit. :D

  17. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or not, but 6 seems to be the magic number.

    If I'm correct, there were 6 or 7 radios in Der Riese, and 6 radios in Ascension. Now, I wouldn't doubt that by now someone would have stumbled across a third radio if one does exist, but be between the film reels and the two radios, that only makes 5 in total...

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