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Posts posted by Undead

  1. I don't see Treyarch taking away much anytime soon. Infact, they've done a whole lot of adding into zombies rather than taking out. And so far, all the maps have increased in size, which keeps weapons like the Scavenger worth getting.

    I do however, feel like there should be some kind of cap soon before they bite off more than they can chew. There IS a point where these maps become TOO big or overpacked. I only use about a third of CoTD when I actually have everything I need.

  2. Ugh... guilty unfortunately. haha.

    I usually leave out of frustration with myself, rather than the players. Unless you join a game that's already half over and they are completely annihilating your team and there's just no point in bothering, then I quit again.

    But usually, if I've just having a really bad start and can't shoot worth sh*t, I drop out early, and try again on some other mode.

  3. Aye, as I'm sure everyone has got the "shoot everything" hint in the back of their minds.

    The easter egg was definitely more rewarding in this map, but I still get the vibe we're missing key things yet to be discovered still.

  4. I'd say we're definitely up for something in store about Richtofen in maps to come. I've anticipated that we're hitting a climax soon. (And knowing treyarch, it's going to be some big huge cliffhanger, then they will be like: "LOL WAIT FOR BLOPS 2 FOR MOAR! :P") And I've got a feeling things may unravel in ways we don't expect.

  5. I thought Tank even comments on how it wasn't going to end up like how it did on Ascension, thanks to Gershe. Question mark.

    Haha, does he really? If so I guess thumbs up to Treyarch for knowing that really let that one slip through their fingers. But that should also be a clue that they should actually add more or finish it. :P

  6. Yeah you'll come to find out that most of WaW's community anymore are all the damn modders/hackers that couldn't leave their precious mods behind.

    I personally don't see a problem with using them to test theories and find something out as far as zombies goes, but to cheat is a completely different story.

  7. not that much stuff tho, we can tell Dempsey is a badass i personally think Richtofens cool, i like Nikolia too but Takeo doesn't really stuff thats funny or stupid he just says "for the emporer", and stuff about honor.

    If you ask me, it's kinda nice to have a character that breaks away from all that and is actually more focused and a lot more intelligent than the main two players. (Dempsey and Nikolai)

    They've all got their moments though, including Taks.

    "Hmm... this weapon is like Dempsey's head; empty!"

  8. I noticed those too shortly after the map was released. They definitely were up to something out there before all hell broke loose.

    Not even a theory, but I'd guess that they were probably for transported subjects that Richtofen mentions in the radios. The question is, what state the "subjects" were in before the disaster.

  9. I think that the only reason Treyarch did this was because they couldn't think of anything to give away with the Hardened edition. With MW2, i got an Artwork book with my Hardened edition, but with BLops, what else did they have to give, just recycling old maps...

    I doubt that. Remember how after SNN and Der Riese, zombies practically became the number one demand on the release of Blops? The classic maps weren't an excuse for special edition content, they were more of special gift for the success of the Zombie franchise involved with Treyarch and were also in demand. People wanted zombies back, so why not give them all of it if they are willing to pay the extra 20 bucks?

    ...Who said that it'd be the same price? I'd say the price for the case would be about an extra $2.00, the avatar would be free (Or at least SHOULD be free), so the maps would be around $18.00. And just to prove that they like the people who buy the Hardened version more, they could boost the price up to $22.00 for people who didn't buy the Hardened version when they got the chance.

    Even though we all know Activision wouldn't have a problem with that, the community would. People STILL complain that map packs are overpriced. And yes, they are. So why on earth would people spend even more than 15 bucks for maps most of us already have on a separate game?

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