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Posts posted by Zombi3zZ

  1. I recently did some research and found out Hitler was in the illuminati which made me think perhaps the illuminati were using the zombies as a secret weapon for WWII but after the war they continued them for the cold war (Explanation for the zombies on FIVE and Ascension.)

    This is just my go at a theory.

  2. I can't do pics but I'll try and explain better. I think if I remember were the pods are they are by the metal stairs were the m16 and the power on bit in the theater, to left as you enter the theater. The pods are around there. If these don't help just explore the back of the back of theater, were you turn the electricity on

  3. Before I get my head bitten off I am NOT implying there is a boss but perhaps just hints at what I am saying.

    I am new to the forum and I have a theory about this cosmic silver back rubbish. There are many hints towards a gorilla in the theater. If you look to the left of the Theater there are these pods with hybrid gorilla things and one pod has been broken open (perhaps this is the silver backs pod from DOA). There is also a giant door at the back, what kind of human needs a door that big? Perhaps the Nazis were working on a kind of gorilla hybrid to conquer the other country's. The layout of theater reminds me of a scene from King Kong.

    This is just a theory for the whole nonsense on a gorilla boss I haven't played the new map but perhaps it has some hints to a gorilla?

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