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Posts posted by ZAslayer

  1. :) look up the 115 element and the 110 on the peridic table u will notice they have the same quallities. my theroy is that when the nazi started losing the war they try to advance the weapons(Hence P-A-P) when they came across the metorites that busted when it hit earths atmospere and scatter across the european continent it also traveled else where like the moon that is why in der rise u see red dots on the moon. now they wanted super soliders and they found that the metor gave them strange super strength so tested it on animals(cosmic silverback),jews(cralwers ,because why else would they be so skinny and hairless and have gas in them. oh, and they made it a gs so that there troops would get these gas mask things that have the right amount of air and zombie gas becuase they had already tested it on animals and did not find a way to control it so they though if we keep gas that can exit the body so they are not completely zombified so they can take orders),dogs(they tryed to make dogs for the nazi zombies to control but in the end "eddy" the teddy or even MAYBE Dr.Maxis (note that the hellhounds are samatha's dog fluffy who killed her) controls when they come,(all I known for sure about smantha is that she has two friends I for get there name that are also girls and she can controll the mystery box0). Oh, and I belive that Dr.Maxis is the demoic speaker becuase he tells the zombies what to do (which was his job when he was a live and may still be was to gains the zombies trust so he can conrtol them be giving others like "fetch me there souls". So later on we discoveried that the group that was trying to tame the zombies was known as 935 which if you got the movie clips there is one of the clips that has zombies with the number 115 and 110 later they tell us the calmest zombie that starts to follow orders and after some progress start raging and they kill the it zombie 22-5 or something.Then there is a knock on the door where I think shortly afterwards samantha dies and so does some others but not Dr.Maxis I think he escapes to the new island map.But the big part is the zombies got smarter like evolution to a point were they known that they are tougher than the humans and known that they and stronger. this is why they get stronger in the rounds. I think smartest of all the zombies is the demonic speaker which tells them what to do so they can rule the earth. That is why there eyes glow it like to show that there are being controlled, sort of like termanators you know when there are still alive there eyes glow. So now samantha is apart of the metor infected teddy bear her spirit lingers in the monkeys, the box, doors and wall weapons. Soon the zombies start to spread across the globe and Dimze in the first map wakes up when the something had just shot his plane down so he could go home to his family. the zombie ran at him but he killed it and fortfied the old house the writing on the door that said hel with a unfinished p was the bears work. Slowly the puzzle starts to coming together for dimze and his allies to where they must destroy the demoic speaker and de-evolution the zombies to rid the world of zombies!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT remember that is only a theroy????????????? But I warn you, Beware the...6 :twisted:

    plz comment and give [brains]

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