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Posts posted by Duckcall00

  1. I've been getting a lot of messages from people in the last couple weeks asking if I'm doing another stat chart. Here is my generic answer:

    I really wish I could make a zombie chart again. But the stats are encrypted for MP, SP, and Zombies. Other guys have been able to find MP damage through extensive testing. I'm not up to the task of doing it for Zombies. Its super time-consuming. However, if someone else did the testing I would happily display it graphically.

    If I was able to get my hands on the stats, here's how I plan to present it:

  2. There should never be a traditional balance in Zombiemode. That is, you can't make every weapon "good." There needs to be bad weapons to make the powerful weapons seem better.

    If every weapon was viable, anybody could get to Round 30 no problem with minimal talent involved.

    Sniper rifles need to be bad. Not every weapon can have a niche. This isn't multiplayer.

    Also, every PaP Zombies sniper rifles (the Scavenger is the exception) has dealt 1000 damage with a 10x multiplier to the head. Thats a 1-shot-kill until round 33.

    You are barely proposing a buff. If people spent any time using them, they would know that. But a headshot multiplier means nothing. It's the low rate-of-fire and high recoil that ruins them. If you miss that critical opportunity to shoot a Zombie in the head, you are dead. Increasing the damage to the head won't change that.

  3. They are probably going to add Pro Perks. They had them partially coded into Black Ops.

    I think no matter how many perks they have, you should be able to purchase ~2/3 of the maximum amount of perks directly from the machine.

    eg. There are 9 perks. You can buy 6 straight from the machine, and must get the remaining 3 from perk drops or the completion of an Easter Egg.

  4. Here is my frame-by-frame analysis of the new 16-frame .gif.

    1st Frame: The time is 00:00:03:23. The text is '"THW'. In an ideal no-lag situation the frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    2nd Frame: The time is 00:00:04:00. The text is '"THE EN'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    3rd Frame: The time is 00:00:04:01. The text is '"THE ENEMY'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    4th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:02. The text is '"THE ENEMY COUZ'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    5th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:03. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BQ'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    6th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:04. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE AN'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    7th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:05. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHO'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    8th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:06. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    9th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:07. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds. (Same text as previous, but with a different time)

    10th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:08. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE'. The frame will be displayed for .01 seconds. (Same text as previous, but with a different time and displayed for a different amount of time)

    11th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:09. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE AND IT'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    12th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:10. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE AND IT COULH'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    13th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:11. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE AND IT COULD BE A'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    14th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:12. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE AND IT COULD BE ANYONE"'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds.

    15th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:13. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE AND IT COULD BE ANYONE"'. The frame will be displayed for .04 seconds. (Same text as previous, but with a different time)

    16th Frame: The time is 00:00:04:13. The text is '"THE ENEMY COULD BE ANYWHERE AND IT COULD BE ANYONE"'. The frame will be displayed for .05 seconds. (Same text as previous, but displayed for a different amount of time)

  5. I'm sure its Bank Gothic MD BT

    The font is also used a lot in Callofduty.com and can be found in the assets.

    The main "CALL OF DUTY" title text is always Impact. The "BLACK OPS" text and various other words throughout every CoD game are in Bank Gothic MD BT.

    Except for "World at War", which was Aharoni.

    No no no... This is getting to be a little frustrating because I am a font nerd. I don't think I am making my point clear. People cannot argue with facts. And I am presenting facts. In every single Call of Duty game, the title "CALL OF DUTY" is written in Impact. The subtitle is written in various fonts. In CoD4, MW2 and Black Ops they used Bank Gothic MD BT. In World at War they used Aharoni Bold. In MW3 they used a modified version of Octin-Stencil Bold.

  6. I'm sure its Bank Gothic MD BT

    The font is also used a lot in Callofduty.com and can be found in the assets.

    The main "CALL OF DUTY" title text is always Impact. The "BLACK OPS" text and various other words throughout every CoD game are in Bank Gothic MD BT.

  7. Here is en exerpt from my Zombie Stats thread.

    There can only be 24 zombies in the map at one time. Reserve zombies come in when existing ones are killed.


    We have been unable to find the true Zombies per Round formula by searching through game files. However, BinText has created working formulas based on observation. They are accurate after Round 10.

    Singleplayer- 0.0842 * ®^2 + 0.1954 * ®+22.05

    2 Players- 0.1793 * ®^2 + 0.0405 * ® + 23.187

    3 Players- 0.262 * ®^2 + 0.301 * ® + 33.114

    4 Players- 0.3462 * ®^2 + 0.4964 * ® + 43.164

    Below is a spreadsheet displaying how many Zombies appear each round:


    On the 1st and 2nd Dog round there will be 6x as many Dogs as there are players.

    On all subsequent Dog rounds there will be 8x as many Dogs as there are players.

  8. I have also been wondering. Do the headshot/bodyshot multipliers apply to George and astrozombie etc.??

    Yep. The multipliers are built into the weapon, not the Zombies.

    can you add the black ops classic wall guns? that would be awesome.

    Sadly not. I don't own the PC version of the game. But everyone I have talked to says that some of the DLC files are hidden and we don't have access to them.

  9. Constructive criticism inbound!

    This is very interesting. I like how you used a different chart for each map. But I think each map needs more trials with different play styles. Go on youtube and add people like Syndicate and Yoteslaya to your charts. And there are people right hear on CoDZ that record their gameplay. You can use them as trials too. Swask and Way2g00 are a few examples of great players who record themselves getting to high rounds. With more trials we will begin to see a more consistent pattern.

    Massive Brains to you! [brains] [brains] [brains]

  10. Can you get free perks from throwing a QED near a perk machine?

    Nope. But if you throw the QED within 15 feet (4.5 meters) of a Perk Machine there is an increased change of it PaP-ing your current weapon.


    I don't see anything about hacking the Red Perk

    include_powerup( "nuke" );
    include_powerup( "insta_kill" );
    include_powerup( "double_points" );
    include_powerup( "full_ammo" );
    include_powerup( "carpenter" );
    include_powerup( "fire_sale" );

    // WW (02-04-11): Added minigun
    PreCacheItem( "minigun_zm" );
    include_powerup( "minigun" );

    include_powerup( "free_perk" );

    // for quantum bomb
    include_powerup( "random_weapon" );
    include_powerup( "bonus_points_player" );
    include_powerup( "bonus_points_team" );
    include_powerup( "lose_points_team" );
    include_powerup( "lose_perk" );
    include_powerup( "empty_clip" );

    Notice how it says "include_powerup( "free_perk" );"

    I think that indicates that it is possible to obtain a free perk. We just haven't figured it out.

    It also says that you can't hack the Bonus Points Team, Lose Points Team, Bonus Points Player, and Random Weapon Power-ups. All other power-ups can be hacked.

  11. Im just saying. Its been out for two months now and no one has apparently got it. Wait, its out for PC, no? Where's Duckcall00? He can probably tell us if the bottle is in the coding or not.

    Yes, its out on PC.

    No, you can't get if from the pads.

    temptation_array = array( "fire_sale", "insta_kill", "nuke", "double_points", "carpenter" );

    "free_perk" is not included in the list.

    You can get a Firesale Insta-kill, Nuke, Double Points, or Carpenter.

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