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Posts posted by Archon

  1. It's fairly standard, at least from my experience, for later rounds as the last man standing to take that long. Remember that on Solo, there are far less zombies on a round compared to 2, 3 or 4 players. If you're the last man standing of four at the start of a mid to high round (30+), you are easily going to burn through a PaP'ed RPK and HK21 before getting anywhere near the end of the round. It's more like the equivalent of rounds ten to twenty levels higher than Solo would be just for sheer numbers of zombies (and thus equivalent zombie health) coming at you. The fire is also all from just you, so kills will be slower too. Consider how many bullets your team mates would have used on those zombies, and realise that they are now all coming from you - It's no wonder ammo doesn't last! :)

  2. I did a search and couldn't find anything on this, but accept my apologies if people have already posted how to do it. Hope this helps you guys!


    I was a little dubious when I read on the CoD Wiki that it was possible to have all five perks at once, but I've just completed a monkey round perfectly with four perks and did indeed receive the fifth perk...

    So, how to do it? First, you need a few perfect early monkey rounds. Well, you don't -need- multiple perfect rounds, but it saves money! This isn't difficult, especially if you have Claymores. It has a bit of a luck element to it... What you're hoping for is to be given perks at the end of a monkey round that you have not yet opened on the map. Trouble is to get the Claymores you must open up the Stamin-Up side of the map, and without them it is nigh on impossible to get a perfect round. The only perk you can leave indefinitely sealed without affecting your chances of a perfect monkey round is the Speed Cola, so you want to hope you get that one as one of your drops to make getting the perfect monkey round that bit easier!

    Once you have four perks (hopefully one is Speed Cola as that's one less machine to defend), await your next monkey round. Place Claymores in front of and leading up to the PhD Flopper/Quick Revive/Stamin-Up and await the monkeys by the Juggernog. Juggernog is a good place to wait as it is extremely close to the Quick Revive and not so far from the PhD Flopper either. I had Juggernog, PhD Flopper, Speed Cola and Quick Revive at this point and had the Speed Cola part of the map shut, so I only had one "vulnerable" machine that was far away (PhD Flopper). This is what I'd call the "ideal" setup, but it wouldn't be impossible with other combinations of perks... Just more difficult. An even better setup to do this is if the Quick Revive is gone completely - That's one less machine for the monkeys to go for!

    With this setup and with a bit of luck, the monkeys will mostly go for the first two perks you have (which will be Juggernog and Quick Revive, or just Juggernog if the Quick Revive is gone) and the Claymores will take care of the ones going for the other perks. If you do the round without a machine being touched while you have four perks, the monkeys will still drop a perk bottle and you will have all five perks. The big disadvantage of this is that leaving Speed Cola shut means you cannot access the Pack-a-Punch machine, as that is where the final lander is... But hey, it's not difficult on Ascension to survive without it before round 20.

    Naturally, it's not easy to keep all five perks... Especially as the monkeys eventually become strong enough to resist multiple Claymore blasts. If you have four players, in theory the perks could be kept nearly indefinitely - Just make sure the one guarding Jug/Revive has the Thundergun or Ray Gun in later rounds. The machines can be damaged but you won't lose the fifth perk unless the monkeys actually destroy one of the machines.

    Hope this helps you solo players!

  3. Nikolai and Dempsey seem to get along quite well, so I question if Dempsey has his suspicions of his team mate. Maybe Dempsey is actually wondering about Nikolai's more personal past (wives, etc) and wonders what he's using the vodka to try and forget? I wouldn't put it past Nikolai to have played a larger part in the whole thing though, particularly on the murdering front - We already know he's not exactly shy of bumping off people he doesn't like!

  4. Even with my phone camera, you can see a pawprint like shape without a sniper rifle on the moon - A good place to look is on the stairs just before the fire trap near Speed Cola. I make out four definite blobs and a fifth possible blob, which I've outlined above. Could just be random textures but the shape reminds me of the bloody paw prints in Der Riese, so perhaps it's a Hellhound reference.

  5. Just a quick introduction post on my half!

    I'm naturally a big fan of zombie mode else I wouldn't be here, haha! I'm fairly new to the series, having only bought Black Ops a month ago after a few zombie slaying sessions on WaW, but I've been thoroughly enjoying just how much fun zombie mode is. I'm mostly a Solo player so I'm really looking forward to meeting other players and having a few epic matches. This forum seems friendly and laid back, and I look forward to catching you guys around!

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