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Posts posted by ph33rly

  1. ohk so me and my buddy he was split screening, were at round 29 he ran to the swamp to hit the box it was in the far room i hear him say oh shoot and is like omg there is a huge zombie coming threw a window i thougt he was going down so i threw a black hole he came running back to phd flopper and i never seen the thing but i belive he was telling the truth by the sound his voice...! _----- any one else experience this please tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????

    there is no fucking giant zombie or juggs zombie its a dumb idea, where are you going to get a giant and turn it into a zombie?!?!?!?! dumb fucking idea....

  2. "More and more gamers seem to forget what this industry is all about." - "Creativity"....

    How about stability? A properly revised and working product across multiple platforms?

    Then you have the nerve to talk about creativity? What was "creative" about Black Ops? Many of you are thinking Theater Mode, Customisation, Wager Matches, but I ask you this, tell me another game which does not have these features.... exactly, there are games that already do this, therfore it isn't CREATIVE is it? You're using the same goddamn engine since CoD4. Thats 4 years old. It isn't a NEW engine. Game expectations have risen, the quality of CoD games hasn't. People want more. I will not stand for sub-HD graphics for a rehashed game with different time zones and guns strapped to it.

    "Creativity", huh.... how about QUALITY?

    I hate it when people come out and say the most stupidest things without thinking about:

    A) Why people are flaming...

    B) Fixing the faults to stop the flaming...

    I'm not blaming Josh for the game, I am for his statements.

    And before you think im trollin or "de-brain" me, have you been to Black Ops fan page on Facebook? Have a look at the complaints to "Like" ratio. People have bad things to say FOR A REASON.

    Josh, I thought you were different.. Iv said it before and I'll say it again. Jerk

    Goodbye Activi$ion

    :facepalm: You may think that way about black ops o.k. i well not take that away from but i well say that b.o. sold more copies than anything ( more than mw2!) it has zombies how many call of dutys took that risk! they are the first cod to have a story line that is play able more than just for vet. first cod to have the player talk in single player and see his face, all of the other cods you were a a guy that didn't talk and had no-name and you did everything but you were not even the main person! i think you don't like b.o. because of i.w. and because they are out of the game for good. i think me and the other 8 MILLION+ poeple that bought black ops like it, no one made you buy black ops and

  3. Can someone tell me the order on how to get to the ballistic knife in the clock?

    first node is next to phd. flopper look outside the map you should see it its lights up here and there throw a black hole next to it to sent it to the guy that is traped then go to the lunar lander next to stamia up go under the window with the stairs there is a t.v. it well be all white press and hold x on it and the picture should change to the all seeing eye. the 2nd node is only found when monkeys come at all the perks (not quick revive) a botton well come out of the wall you need 4 people to hit the bottons at the same time and the botton see fade back into the wall. now the ballistic knife clock well be in the room before p.a.p. str8 across from p.a.p. you need to move the knife by walking on the steelish part where the rocket was (counter clock wise) keep going around till the clock does a 360. a nukeish power up well go off and thats the 3rd node. i am a :ugeek:

  4. After completing the first 2 power tasks, a clock containing a ballistic knife will appear across from the PaP machine. This will require you to walk in a clockwise circular motion around the central takeoff pad for the rocket. The knife within the clock will begin to move and once it completes one whole rotation, the clock will disappear, a nuke will go off, and our john doe talks about more power again. Post some replies please :)

    walk counter-clockwise!! make the clock count down from 12 to 1

  5. my friends and i just got done doing the 2nd power node (lil haxx0r should have a post like this, me and him are friends and we were in the same game finding this stuff out) we got to the room before the p.a.p. and found a clock with a knife in it. its the 3rd power node you have to make the knife do a 360* its easy, the room before the p.a.p. is where you need to be (right next to the clock) look at the floor and its just like the clock (if you have good eyes) walk on the steelish part one big O. the clock well make a sound (all node make a creepy sound so you know where they are and if you are close) when you complete it, it should set off a nuke (like the powerup) thats the 3rd node! my friend lil haxxor is working on the last node!!!!!!!!!

  6. trearch send they are all done with every DLC that is going to come out idk how many but! the nova zombies was ment for der riese and didn't finish coding them right (they look like crap) so if it feels like kino does not have everything its because its going to be in the DLC

    [brains] for m60

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