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Posts posted by elite378

  1. I assume you already know about this:


    Wheres Takeo?

    Anyway Im working on how to free them, basically in the room above (PHD room) hold "X" on the desk and you will pick up a fuse. Then put the fuse in this locked door. Nikoli will activated a security "Force Field". Then you will have to destroy 4 red domes, that are easy to find within the map (Either by using the scavenger, Crossbow or Grenades) After these are destroyed go back to the door and holdX" to hear the new scene. After that they work on re fixing a "teleporter".

    Thats as far as I have got:D

  2. I assume you already know about this:


    Im working on how to free them, basically in the room above (PHD room) hold "X" on the desk and you will pick up a fuse. Then put the fuse in this locked door. Nikoli will activated a security "Force Field". Then you will have to destroy 4 red domes, that are easy to find within the map (Either by using the scavenger, Crossbow or Grenades) After these are destroyed go back to the door and holdX" to hear the new scene. After that they work on re fixing a "teleporter".

    Thats as far as I have got:D

  3. So i was thinking wat if the gersch device (black hole machine) is like a teleporter to the dimension Sam is in!

    These are is my thoughts on the whole story of the easter egg:

    A man named Gersh (because after you shoot the orb he says it would have been nice to meet you Gersh like the man who made its name was Gersch) was making a black whole teleporter and he was succesful but was sucked into another dimension the one Sam is in! He tried escaping using a gersch device but there was no power. Then Richtofen and the gang came to ascension and threw a gersch device at the generator and Gersch realized they could help him by rerouting power to the generator (which by rerouting power to the generator in the real world affects the generator in the other dimension). So when you finally the Gersch at the glowing orb of light and you shot into it your and attacking samantha thus saving Gersch! But i believe that gersch returns to his body and that the ball of light was his soul. He will probably be in the next map hopefully


    of course! When i was playing as dempsey I threw a black hole device and he said "Say hello to Sam for me!"

  4. On the mystery man easter egg iv got up to the part where you all get death machine for 90 seconds but this isnt the last step! Allot of people say the last step involves fighting samantha but no one seems to know how to get to the last step. Some people say you all get on a lunar lander and it takes you outside the map... But im really confused dose anyone know the truth???

  5. My gut is telling me it's on the moon, because there is a Achievement/Trophy called "Space Race," which is Pack-a-Punch a weapon before Round 8. The space race in real life was when the USSR and USA were racing to become the firts country to send humans to the moon. Also, if the PaP machine is on the moon, remeber from Der Reise that there are deposites of Uup on the moon, better known as Element 115. ;)

    Good idea!

  6. Well, I was looking through the "Zombies" section of the Call of Duty forums, and someone in a thread said that maybe the new perk "PhD Flopper" is a perk that saves all your perks when you get downed, but disappears after you do get downed. Pretty good theory I think. :)

    Original forum: http://www.callofduty.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=111&t=402251&sid=fdh156oens4cm33c71htp1af50

    (theory on the second page)

    Thats a good theory, it could also keep your weapons after you die

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