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Legit Waffelz

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Posts posted by Legit Waffelz

  1. First off, two new perks.

    Stamina-Up and PHD Flopper

    Stamina-Up is definetley going to be like a marathon lightweight thing.

    I've been thinking about the other one and I'm thinking tactical mask.

    And the lies about the cosmic silverbacks turned out to be true and they steal your perks so watch out!

    And last but not least TWO new wonder weapons.

    Marryoshka Dolls A.K.A. Nesting Dolls (No idea about that one.)

    Gersch Device A.K.A. The Black Hole Bomb.

    I'm the thinking that one will be when you shoot at the ground it will suck in all the zombies near and just get rid of them.

    IM SO EXCITED [brains] [brains] [brains]

  2. The info says... (Make sure to read the last line)

    First Strike contains 5 incredibly diverse maps spanning the globe; featuring 4 multiplayer maps and a new Zombie experience. Includes “Berlin Wall”, allowing combat on both sides of the imposing wall; “Discovery”, a desolate, frozen German outpost in the Arctic; “Kowloon”, battle in the rain along the rooftops of a towering Chinese sprawl; “Stadium”, an intense locale with a pro hockey arena backdrop; and “Ascension”, where you fight zombies in a Soviet launch facility.

    If you don't beleive me click the link : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=179925665375432

    It's going to be a soviet launch facility! :D :D :D

  3. True. But I don't think they'll put the AK47 in Zombies. But I might be wrong. :P

    Off topic: Is your name Bryson? Just asking because I have a friend on XBL with the gamertag Legit Waffles.

    On topic: I think it will relate to "earth" because the freeze gun was "ice", the dg-2 was "electricity", the ray gun was "explosives" or "light", the flamethrower was "fire", and the monkey bomb was "explosives".

    No my XBL GT is spelled Legit Waffelzz

    And don't forget the Thundergun would be air or wind.

  4. In Kino Der Toten it was the Thundergun. In Five it was the Winter's Howl. Post what you think the new power weapon for ascension will be. Or post what you hope it will be. I really hope thay bring back the flamethrower. I know alot of people say it sucks but in der riese that get you milions of POINTS!! :P:P Sadly they didn't bring it back.... :(

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