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Posts posted by seddar

  1. You can get there by buying the door in the first room, then going downstairs. From there on you have to look for it yourself cant really explain it. You have to slide down somewhere, the box is then upside down against the roof. ( not kidding)

  2. WOW. This is crap. I am first at posting something big and someone steals the spotlight. AGAIN. It has happened 3 times on this forum already. only 2 big ones, though. The first being that I found the DerRiese server on the terminal, and now this. This whole topic is a double-post off of mine. Mine was first. If this happens again I am definitely quitting CoDZ and keeping all the big, huge Easter Eggs I find to myself/Sharing them with PlayTheGame. It's getting old. USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION.

    cry baby :(

  3. did you already read the other theories, gknova6 posted a new hint on their site, a quiet diffucult picture, but back to my point. There is a map of a rocket launch map, on the background of the picture. you should check it out in the gknova6 section

  4. i dont think so.that thing is not simply flying up, that thing is FLYING TO THE HOLE!! is not simply going up casually.

    look at the roof there are thousands of holes in it, if the zombie dies it floats away to the air, the dude has billions of mods that are on, its fake ( and probally gay)


    NO hes not FLASHGAMER is wrong .. what you are seeing is the effects of MODS, the mod you see is LOW world gravity which causes ragdolls to fly up when they die, you can see the effects in this video of MODS in Call of duty 5

  6. but what about samantha, i mean she must me alive right, cause if you activate the Fly trap in der riese, she says; lets play hide and seek. So she might be giving us clues?

  7. Hi guys im new and i wanted to discuss about the bear.

    So we see the bear in almost every zombie map.

    I want to clear some things up, the dog from samantha ran into the tests right, and became a hell hound.

    in the map kino der toten, if you use the teleport you end up in some diffrent rooms.

    one room is the one that is destroyed and there are lots of monkeys in this room, this might sound stupid ( LOL) but what if the bear ran trough the tests too? like the dogs? the dogs are dead, the zombies are dead... whats the diffrence the bear's a clearly dead too :P


    ( bad english im dutch)

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