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Posts posted by iPood

  1. I made a fail post :oops: ,but hey don't we all once in a while? Lol. Anyway instead of just leaving this post I decided to recycle it and use it as a different post. Hows that for environmentally friendly? Lol :lol:

    An Escalation App has been launched for facebook, which gives little details on Escalation(many details we already know about). It will be updated as more info is revealed. Just decided to share this for you facebook addicts out there. Lol (and to find an excuse for my fail post) :roll:





    On May 3, 2011, Treyarch will unleash the second content pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops, and it’ll be on Xbox LIVE first. Escalation, the new pack, will include four all-new multiplayer maps, as well as a Zombies experience that Activision promises will be like none before it.

    As for the always-anticipated Zombie level, Treyarch isn’t spilling any beans, but they promise that Call of the Dead moves the Zombie experience to a whole new level.

    You’ll want to grab the pack as soon as it’s available, because to celebrate Escalation’s launch, Treyarch will be hosting a Double XP weekend on Xbox LIVE starting Friday, May 6.


  2. Treyarch, please bring back the gun glitch

    If you wanna give feedback to Treyarch, I suggest you go to the CoD official website, and good luck there now with all the little kids complaining, giving bad ideas(Not all but most), starting petitions, etc. I doubt they'll read it.

  3. FINALLY! Now I can have something to listen to when i'm in class or on the toilet... just kidding :P lol

    Congrats on PS3 Ambassador though! If you didn't know, I nominated you in the "PS3 Ambassador Wanted" post. ;)

  4. Or you could just go the Xbox.com and to a license transfer on to your new Xbox. That's the easiest and fastest way I did it without having to move and switch stuff over.

    Tutorials can be found on YouTube if you don't know how to do it.

    This is what the above post what talking about. It's called a DRM transfer, I believe.


    Just follow the on-screen steps and you'll be able to download what you want to your new Xbox 360. However, you can only do this once per year I believe. :)

  5. Actually, maybe around 90% of registered users go on the chat. It's just that we don't all go on at the same time. Average amount of users in chat is usually around 5, depending on what time it is in what places.


    *Yea I realize that there are already many posts on this, If a mod couild please do something about this thread then please do. :|


    Sorry would have embedded it but for some reason it's not working :shock:

    Guns did not mention this but, (thnx to the ppl in comments :D) if you change the time on your computer to March 3rd + you will see that the timer hits 0:00:00:00:00 and you see a picture!

    Apparently, the current white fuzzy picture you see, is suppose to become less less blurrier each day.



    It's officially a fan-based movie, in first person. Its Cod 4 tied in with MW2. Kind of exactly like campaign except for their own part of the ending which is not in MW2.

    Previous poll results =

    4 say movie

    2 say game

    1 say another HL (HL = Salad Man :P)

    1 says other

    New poll is up :geek:

  7. I can't see what is circled in the bottom right corner.

    Is it an icon of the Gersch device already equipped?

    (if so, that's a new addition! :o )

    If you're not sure what that icon is, it might mean you've walked into the portal opened by the gersch Device...

    I think its an icon of the Gersch device. I'll try to upload a pic but be warned.... :twisted:

    It'll be blurry :lol:

    EDIT* Here's the pic. It came out extremely blurrier (if that's a word :? ) It looks like a purple blob with a white sparkle.

  8. Sorry if this has been posted before. Looked around and didn't really find anything.

    I believe this is Richtofen, as well as a new perk in the corner. About the perk, maybe its grey because it has something to do with the color of the game when you first start the map?



    In the trailer from 3:13 - 3:20 you see the perk in the corner blinking (i guess you could say) and could hear a beeping noise. Possibly hinting how your perk disappears when the monkeys come. Sorry couldn't upload my own video to show as my editing skills suck :cry:

    PS! Sorry if some of this stuff has been posted before and some of my info is wrong, i'm tired and ive been doing HW for like 3 hours.

    PSS! Who else hates homework? :lol: :roll:

  9. look at 2:15! next to the quick revive! theres that grim reaper looking blood splatter thats also in kino!

    EDIT* I think we are gonna spawn around where 2:15 is. Since you know, theres the quick revive and we always spawn close to one. CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MAP!!

  10. soon after i hit that button, it was probably around round 5-8, and most of you are probably thinking about hellhounds. But no, Cosmic Silverbacks some after you!! I dont remember how they spawn, as i was too busy with running away (lol). They are not HUGE, but rather medium size, about 3ft tall. I lost on that round as i did not have the proper weaponry to survive, the C.Silverbacks have about the same health as hellhounds and do about the same damage

    Maybe they spawn from lightning bolts just like the hellhounds. Like in DOA. Look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=It3VupkOK20

    at around 0:12 you see the monkey spawn in the back.

    P.S sorry i dont know if i did the quote thing right. im new to this site but have been following for a long time.

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