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Posts posted by ItsFromMars

  1. I do support this idea of "breaking the cycle"

    Richtofen was crazy without Maxis...

    Really. He seemed quite...normal before the MPD incident.

    Maxis had nothing to do with the MPD incident. Richtofen built a teleporter of his own volition. Richtofen went to the Moon of his own volition. Richtofen touched the MPD of his own volition.

    And let's not forget that prior to that he was a back-alley plastic surgeon / Nazi that loved dead things.

    Maxis's disapproval of Richtofen's ideas and experiments led to Richtofen's distrust of Maxis, therefore leading to Richtofen working behind Maxis's back. So Maxis indirectly caused the MPD incident.

  2. Breaking the cycle does make sense for this time period. I can easily see it being done. If I was a betting man however, I think we would probably have to kill Maxis. Which is fine to me(I wonder what he looks like). Hopefully Breaking the Cycle doesent end the game like Mob of the Dead however. Wasn't really a fan of that.

    If we do "break the cycle" I don't think the game will end. I just think a different series of events will unfold. I think Mob of the Dead was just a special case. They were basically trapped in Purgatory, sticking them into a paradox so they realize the error of their ways. However the Nazi Zombie saga as a whole, I don't think, is in purgatory or hell. I believe that pnce the world ends, the world begins anew. And the events leading up to Orgins will all unfold the same way.

  3. As I am sure most of you know, there is a theory going around that the Zombie Storyline is just a giant time paradox. If you look at everything that has happen so far, the only way it would seem possible to "Break The Cycle" is to stop the Element 115 from being discovered. This would be impossible. So that means it must be broken another way.

    My theory is that in orgins, we will be launching an All out effort to begin the process to break the cycle.

    The Cycle can only be broken in one of three ways (at least that's how I see it).

    The Possible "Cycle Breakers"


    1: Kill Richtofen or prevent him from finding the MPD

    2: Kill Maxis, in turn preventing Richtofen turning against him and his research. The only hiccup I see with this is that this leaves Richtofen completely free to do as he pleases.

    3: Kill them Both.

    I doubt killing Richtofen is the answer. Why? Because it would be too easy. Tank, Nikolai and Takeo could have all to easily killed Richtofen at anytime during their journey with him. I know they were brainwashed at this point, but still.

    Let me know what you think about this. I'm not even sure if the storyline is even a paradox or anything. I just think it is probably the truth.

  4. No one "Gets lucky by searching around the map."

    You either know how you got it or you don't. And you do.

    I'm not trying to be an AHole but, you could easily just tell us where and how you got the switch. All we know is you somehow got in Infinite Round. So why don't you tell us?

    dude we were looking on the floor and we found are dead bodys i have said that read back 1st its all there

    I know that you said that, I'm just wondering where an when.

  5. Can't you just tell us how you got it now?

    yes we got lucky searching round the map

    No one "Gets lucky by searching around the map."

    You either know how you got it or you don't. And you do.

    I'm not trying to be an AHole but, you could easily just tell us where and how you got the switch. All we know is you somehow got in Infinite Round. So why don't you tell us?

  6. I can confirm that shooting the dartboard to activate the piano and spawn The Ghost And she will take tips for perks is 100% legit. She plays for about a minute thirty. The only way she will take tips from you is if you go to the right of the piano so you see her face. She is also crying. Not sure if it is part of the Richtofen EE though. I also can't get the Infinite Round to work.

  7. I HATE playing games with randoms for this exact reason. I almost never play with them.

    If you hate quitters, play with your friends. Heck, you've got a whole forum of people to play with.

  8. I was recently reading this thread: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=31025

    And after the message was decoded it stated this: "Let go and the Beginning will become the end."

    This got me thinking.

    This is the Der Riese map description:

    "The Giant is rising. Face the might of the Nazi Zombies in their heartland. This is where it all began. This is where the master plan took shape. Is this where it all ends?"

    The message hidden in the "Where Are We Going" video could directly correlate to Der Riese.

    We may be returning to Der Riese for one last hoorah. It would be a fitting end to this season (or Zombies as a whole for that matter) to end where it all began, don't you think?

    And before you say "I've already played on Der Riese on two seperate games, why would I want to do it a third time" just listen.

    As some of you are familiar, Der Riese is based off of a Nazi construction project that was never completed, and most of this construction was done underground before the project was abandoned. The project was assumed to create space to shelter war production (The Production of Weapons.) Here's a link for those who want to know more about this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Riese

    So taking in the fact that the project was largely undergound, Treyarch could incorperate this into "The End." For instance we may start out in the Der Riese facility that we all know and love, but the map itself could be expanded.

    Areas that we weren't able to access before are now open to us. Areas like so:

    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... a_0005.jpg

    http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... a_0006.jpg

    (Sorry, not sure how to put pictures into the thread itself.)

    Areas like these could be buried beneath the Der Riese facility. They could have been created to search for Element 115 before they knew where it came from.

    These areas were mined out by nearly 13,000 POWS, those would be the Zombies you would be fighting while in the tunnels, they could have been infected with the 115.

    The only problem I am finding with this is how Treyarch could incoorperate this in with the already messy story. There would need to be a purpose for returning, and I cannot think of one as of now, so let me know if you have any ideas, and tell me what you think exploring more parts of the Giant project.

  9. On the other hand I am into the story very much, and maxis is polarizing the earth?

    I can't say it's not possible, but I see no reason to polarize the earth... )

    I am pretty sure I read somewhere that he is planning on polarizing earth by using a device that could be found at the former Hanford Site. Winters' Howl?

    And onto why he would want to do that...

    Have you seen TranZit? Freaking flames and lava everywhere.

    And polarizing, in theory, should slow the zombies down due to the fact that they have no blood running through their veins, and it would freeze their bodies. But this may or may not be true. If you think back to Call of the Dead, it was likely below freezing temperature, and that didn't slow the zombies down. If anything they sped up.

  10. Correct me if I am wrong, but in an old interview wasn't it said that Moon was initially supposed to be Paris? I'm just hoping if we go there, it isn't filled with smoke or fog.

    The coding for Moon has Paris in it. That's how we found out.

    No, he's right. We first found out from an interview at CODXP. CODXP was before Rezzurection's arrival on PC. We couldn't have found out via the coding before that because we didn't have access to it. Anyway, they said the reason they didn't do Paris was because they felt it wasn't a great finale to Black Ops 1 Zombies. Thus, they opted for Moon, because hey, what's more epic than the moon?

    Anyway, I highly doubt we'll ever see a Paris map. The zombie team probably felt a little gutted after changing their original idea.

    We can still dream.

    But how exactly are Treyarch going to fill the globe in BOII? We have three location in the US of A, and only one outside of the country. Honestly the globe isn't going to be very filled anyways, so why not at least spread out the locations a bit more to make this whole thing seem a bit more global.

  11. Me and my buddy, we were just discussing our disappointment with Moon, and how Paris would've been a much better finale to BO1. Honestly the events of Moon (besides the rockets being fired) could have happend literally anywhere else, so why not Paris? We have the evidence supporting it.

    If Paris does end up happening, I am afraid that it is going to be a massive letdown. We have been waiting for so long, it would blow chunks if it ended up being terrible.

    What I would want in the Paris map is one thing, and one thing only: I want the same feeling as the original 4 maps on WaW. I haven't got the same feeling from recent maps (hopefully you understand what I mean.)

    I want a finale that is a throwback-style map. Bring back the Nazis. Bring back the obscure clues. Get rid of the long-ass Easter eggs.

  12. I hope just to see how much further they can expand gameplay considering the limits that the 360 and PS3 have held back the Zombies Experience.

    For instance, I highly doubt the fog in Tranzit was a gameplay idea. It was all about making the game run correctly, and making sure it wouldn't crash.

    So taking the fact that the graphical quality will be better, we (hopefully) will never have something as bad as Tranzit was.

    But as for my ideas, I really REALLY want to see a huge jump forward in gameplay. I want Treyarch to change up the gameplay quite alot. Mob of the Dead was definitely an good change of pace with Afterlife mode. But besides this, we still had the basic "survive as many rounds of the undead as you can" objective.

    I want an ongoing story-mode type of thing. Kind of like what 343 industries did with Halo 4's Spartan Ops mode, where they update the game every month or so with a set of new missions that would take 15-30 minutes each to complete. Alongside with this I would still want the basic survival objective, I don't want that completely gone, that would be a bad idea.

    Hopefully you get what I'm saying, because I don't entirely do.

  13. I really like this idea, but the consoles probably can't handle it. But that doesn't mean the MDT won't return, and it also doesn't mean that the next map won't be in the past or the future. Especially with the recent Maxis Diary update, I would say this is a very good possibility.

  14. The first time i played was back in 2009, when I went over to a friends house. He loaded up WaW, and he asked me if i wanted to play with him. I said sure. I thought he was going to load up a game of multiplayer or something. But when it started loading, i saw the NDT cut scene. I looked at him with a confused look on my face and he started laughing. The game started and like that i was hooked. Of course i had no clue what i was supposed do do. That was probably the thing that got me addicted was the mystery when I first played.

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