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Posts posted by nwrc

  1. If "Five" is historically accurate and not just for fun, then it would take place sometime between September(When the Cuban Missile Crisis was averted) and November 22, 1963, as JFK was assassinated on that date, which raises the question as to what Clarke was doing at the pentagon, why he has a receeding hairline 5 years prior. It just doesn't make any sense to me


    Rogaine for men? XD

    Good sir, I lol'd

  2. Great theory, but I am still not 100% certain this is Clarke.

    -Based on appearance, the thief looks older, and has grey hair combined with a "major" receding hairline. Clarke did have little grey hair, but no receding hair line at all.

    Here comes the confusing part.

    If Clarke is the thief:

    The Numbers mission takes place on February 9th 1968. Clarke dies in the mission. So FIVE must take place before February 9th 1968 (Remember, Clarke is the is Thief in this theory)

    If "Five" is historically accurate and not just for fun, then it would take place sometime between September(When the Cuban Missile Crisis was averted) and November 22, 1963, as JFK was assassinated on that date, which raises the question as to what Clarke was doing at the pentagon, why he has a receeding hairline 5 years prior. It just doesn't make any sense to me

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