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Posts posted by zomgirl

  1. i have been on this site before with darklegends i play on ps3 i dont have an online acount cuz my brother hogs it but u can add my bf you probaly alrerady have him xXDaRkLeGeNdSXx i already know alot about this site

  2. may i have one of fluffy teleporting please thank you [brains]

    I'll try my best to find or make that picture. IF that fails any other deisgn you would like?

    hudson maybe with hearts with like demon horns in the back that sounds good and some fire too kinda like darks

  3. Well the other day I got Hacker Pro and saw an enemy sentry gun I could use as my own. But after i hacked it, it started to shoot at my teammate, but couldnt kill him. I then decided to walk in front of my hacked sentry only to have it kill me -.- Has this happened to anyone else?

    hasnt happend to me i wonder maybe it takes a few seconds for it to fully become your or maybe its like a carepackge if they try to pick it up it expolds

  4. Has everyone forgoten about the Hitman franchise? The man in the picture looks very similar to the bald protagonist from the series. Its definatly not MW3 because of the current legal battle between respawn studios and Activision, and Bioshock Infinite would have a much more retro but creepy art look as the story is set in a floating city. So it has to be hitman or an new original ip.

    I was thinking that. Especialy with all the recent evidence. But its been awhile since Prototype came out and the story

    definitly pointed at a sequal. And the jacket reminds me alot of the Alex Mercer jacket. And all the posters with faces seem like

    Alex's new victems. At the same times they could go along with the Hitman franchise.

    Alex's jacket had a hood and he wasnt bald, so its probably not prototype 2. Im guessing a brand new game

    acutally he might have been bold we never seen his hair and they could change him like they did for infamus

  5. Have a huge hunch it's not COD related, my bets go to this being Prototype 2 or something...i mean the phrase "Murder Your Maker" makes it match the storyline of Prototype, whereas your main character was created to be the "ultimate" weapon.

    Or it could be MW3. Doubt it though because you would be going after Makarov if that's the case, so i don't see any "Maker" relations there...

    i would love it to be [portotype] i like that game alot me and darklegends used to play it alot

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