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Posts posted by DrunkenLurch

  1. Hey everyone just thought I'd put down the strat me and my buddies use on both the new zombie maps in Black Ops with 4 players.

    Kino Der Toten

    This strategy works with or w/o the weapon glitch, but it makes it much easier. For the first few rounds make sure to let the zombies in and knife for the final kill. This will get you the most points. I start with 4 rounds to the chest for round 1 and go up by 4 shots each round. So 1=4 shots, 2=8 shots, 3=12 shots, and so on. Stay here until round 5 if possible, may get unlucky with max ammos and such. Save a crawler and take the door right, up the stairs. Continue Unlocking as many doors as you can going around the right side of the map to the stage, hit the power. At this point it depends on the points left for your team. If you have enough unlock the door across from where u came onto the stage and continue upstairs across the room and down into the alley. DO NOT UNLOCK THE DOOR AT THE END OF THE ALLEY. If you dont have enough for all the doors then go another round on the stage until you do. Get either a gun off the wall or the box and do the weapon glitch if you know it and u have the points. If you dont know the glitch feel free to get perks. Otherwise try to save your points for guns. Go back to the alley and go all the way to the end. Have one man cover the window there and the other three will stand facing towards the gate. Some zombies will come off in the middle of the awning hanging over you and the rest will come through the gate. Stand in the right spot and they all line up for you. If your doing the weapon glitch keep the ballistic knives. Try to make sure the guy at the window doesn't have either 1. the thunder gun or 2. the ballistic knives. The reason why is if someone goes down you must keep someone at the window still cuz if they break in that it can be tough to recover. In case someone goes down you have three options which i will rank in my preference order. 1.(requires upgraded ballistic knives) If the person with the knives is alive he will pull them out while the other front man covers, pref w ray gun, and shoot your downed teammate with the knife it will instantly revive him. 2.Pull out the Thunder Gun and cover while other front man revives. 3. Throw a monkey, man covering window can do this but dont leave to revive unless u r only one alive. Try to throw your monkey up and over the awning behind the gate. If something goes wrong or you just get overwhelmed as a last resort you can open the door and run. If you do this try to setup a running path and activate traps as you go. Then to start each round stand in the teleporter and activate the turret gun teleport when they feel to close for comfort or someone goes down. While up in the Pack-A-Punch room feel free to throw a monkey, if you have enough to spare, and reign hell with either grenade launchers, rockets, or throw grenades and buy more. Once you teleport back, dont forget to look for power ups in the small rooms u tele to, we run up the stair case and through the door and wait for the zombies and activate the fence run to the stage and turn on the second fence in the dressing room if needed. Try to push back through the middle to the lobby and start the loop again. Activate the teleport whenever it is off cooldown and use it when you can. But try to not use it if it close to the end of the round just in case you can't get a crawler so you have it to start the next round. Also if you are doing the gun glitch and you really want a lot of guns notice none of the weapons on the walls are in the box so trade crappy guns, python snipers rocket and grenade launchers for guns off the wall and you can buy back the guns you traded either to keep em or to get even more guns from the wall.


    From my experience either the weapon glitch doesn't work fully because I have only been able to get 3 guns at one time. For this strat try to hold off as long as you can on the office level. Feel free to buy the M14 or MPL off the walls. This is because the pentagon thief, what should be dogs usually, won't come until you access the Lab level. We usually try to save up 6-8k points each then save a crawler. Unlock everything until you get to the Lab, the 3 floor. Turn on the power and get what weapons you can from the box, especially winter's howl the ice gun if you can it helps alot. Everyone except one person should teleport until they get to the Lab. The 4th person will need at least 250 points and will teleport until they get to the second level, the defcon room. He will activate all the defcon switches and take the elevator down to the lab. DO NOT TAKE ANYMORE TELEPORTERS AFTER DEFCON IS ACTIVATED. The reason is you will all camp at one specific teleporter. It is located directly to the right down the hall after you come off the elevator to the lab. The zombies can only come in front of you with the teleporter behind you. Hold off here as long as you can, but once you start to get overwhelmed everyone will backup into the teleporter and it will take you to the Pack-A-Punch room. 2 people will take the windows and the other two will take the door once it opens. It is very helpful if you have winter's howl to have that person at the door because once they open a big wave will flow in and it can clear it easily, otherwise throw grenades at the door once you see the number above it reach 2 because it will open at 1. If anything goes wrong in this room is when it gets difficult because monkeys are tough to throw in a good spot, which really the only one is out the door. IF someone goes down and you can get a monkey out the door great revive and continue. IF you can't get the monkey out the door and throw it in the room throw another one out the door as the other one is getting ready to explode. IF you dont get it out the door and you dont have anymore monkeys, or if you just get overwhelmed run into the teleporter at the back of the room and try to survive as long as possible on the run. Some tips for on the run. If you get teleported to the lab try to make it back to the teleporter you started the round at and clear as many as you can otherwise just shoot zombies in front of you until you can make it to the next teleporter. If you get teleported to the defcon level by yourself run to the elevator to the lab and hold off as long as you can, make sure to watch the window in the elevator also, and take it down to the lab and back to the teleporter you started at. If 2 or more of you get teleported to the defcon level you can either run to the elevator and do the same thing, but holding out longer, or you can run past the elevator and around the room until you come to a gate you can remove and try to hold out there. If they start overwhelming unlock the gate run around to the stairs if you can make it across great if not unlock the gate underneath the stairs and continue to the elevator strategy. If you get teleported to the office by yourself get to the elevator and hold out. If 2 or more of you get teleported there run behind the metal detector on the elevator side and activate it, to do this you need to supply it with a power unit there are 2 of them one in a locker in the bowie knife room in the lab and the other tucked in a corner on the defcon level. One person will cover the window and the other person the door. Once the power goes down on the fence get to the elevator, throw a monkey if needed and get to the elevator to hold off. Once you take the elevator down to defcon check the room quickly. If its clear of zombies, or u have monkeys to spare throw one, and turn on the defcons upstairs, btw if u ever get teleported to defcon you should always try to hit the two defcons on its main level. The main reason once you teleport that you want to hold out for as long as you can is that backup could always be coming like someone teleporting to where your holding out or riding an elevator to you. If you ever do manage to reactivate defcon everyone get into the closest teleported and reset in the pack-a-punch room. Now for the thief rounds.

    You want to go to the defcon room on the upstairs ring. 2 players will stand behind the railing at the top of the stairs on opposite sides and the other 2 will stand across the room on opposite sides of the room, so if u put imaginary lines between the players it would make a big square or rectangle. The reason for this layout is to determine the person he is chasing and to do this the players at the stairs have to move while the others across the way spot. By this I mean the thief will always enter the room through the teleporter and make his way up the stairs. If he starts going up the top set of stairs, after the platform in the middle of the stairs, the person on that side behind the railing needs to run to the opposite side by where the other railing person is. So if he went up the left top stairs left railing player would start running at the right railing player. Here is why, if he does make it up the stairs and turns around he is going after the person that ran from behind the railing, or if you do it quick enough he will just run back down to the middle stair platform and up the opposite steps. He is chasing the railing person then. If he doesn't turn around he is going at the person across the way on that side of the room so in the example the left side spotter. It is important for the person across the way to let the railing person know if he is after them because whoever he is chasing HAS TO RUN. DON'T TRY TO SHOOT HIM DON'T EVEN TRY TO LOOK AT HIM JUST RUN. The same goes for if he is chasing the person across the way. While he is chasing the other 3 players can either follow and shoot or even better try to get in front of the person running and leave room to pass. Shoot him as the runner is coming and once the runner goes by try to block the thief for a short bit. Its tough to always get away from him especially in later rounds, but the more dmg u do to him the slower he gets so lay it on heavy and fast if your not the runner and try to get straight lines of sight with him if your not host, otherwise you have to try to lead him with your shots and its difficult. If you are the runner like I said JUST RUN THE UPSTAIRS CIRCLE. try to run with whatever is your lightest gun so you are faster, but the other players need to let him know if he is about to get the runner in case that gun is a ray gun or winter's howl and the runner can switch so he doesn't lose it. If you do get caught chase him after the teleport and let loose with what you can and im pretty sure whatever teleport he takes as long as you take it you follow him. Meanwhile everyone else reset to the diagram just without one of the railing players.

    BTW for both maps if you get into a running situation don't panic. Think ahead of where your going. You are faster than the zombies and both maps have fairly wide hallways for u to run by them.

    Hope this helps

    Have fun splattering brain matter everywhere :)

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