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Posts posted by Gash

  1. Frost gun works wonders on him, as it actually slows him down. Making a trail of Claymores also helps weaken him.


    this is what i did. tried it as first and didnt think it worked. then he stole my scorpian so i started shooting him with that and it was working. best way to doo it is when he steals someone else gun and is running away chase him and shoot him! :)

  2. the spawning on nuketown is a bit questionable sometimes but iv found its ok!

    iv seen everyone using the m16 which is a bit annoying.

    i do like the new weapons you can get on zombies... and the difficulty of it too! as with the WAW levels it was easy to get up high (die riese) but getting past 10 sometimes can be difficult! saying that i dont like the teleporting to the pap all the time, it takes too long to do, having to do loads of other things in order to get there... seems alot to do if you want to PAP in the middle of a round or something.

  3. gotten up to round 13 with 4 people.

    iv found a good room to stick in as i dont really like the whole run and shoot gameplay.

    hardest bit iv found is gettin gpeople with mics as when they dont they dont really stick to a strategy! :(

  4. hey guys finally joined up on here after months of reading threads on here!

    im a WAW zombies fanatic and well with black ops just out im on zombies on that alot too!

    will be posting in that soon! :D

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