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Posts posted by Jolteon

  1. Obviously whatever is put there can't violate the CoC or be degrading in anyway.

    So for example I couldn't put... Oh, I don't know, Undead xP smells good?


    I don't see why not? I'm flattered. :P



  2. so wait, user groups like veteran will return?

    If Veteran WERE to return, it would have to be seriously revised. There was far too much green before and it really showed once the viral started. I'm thinking at least 2 years of regular CoDz service as a minimum because otherwise it will get seriously overcrowded with colour again. However, I, like yourself, would like some variation of time period based Usergroup to return. Just to give thanks for those who stick around ;)


  3. The general opinion regarding medals seems to be either negative or not-caring. Then there's Jolt. Who furiously defends them at every turn.


    If the medals were causing harm to anyone I would totally agree. I just think they're neat and nifty way to show off achievements... Remember friends, I'm on your side with the Usergroups etc. ;)

    chat is coming backchat is coming backchat is coming backchat is coming back

    HELL FREAKING YES THIS IS THE BEST NEWS SINCE EVER!!!! Seriously, I used to use the chat so much, and it was incredibly fun!


  4. Why are you all arguing? Just because YOU don't like medals, it does NOT mean that others agree! I myself do in fact like having the medals, and find that they are a nice perk as a form of reward for being dedicated. The medal system took a lot of time and effort, and I think it is pointless in complaining about them because until they are a hinderance to the site then there will be no reason to remove them.

    As for the Premium system... Well, is it not just exactly like your average Donor system, just with extra perks? I for one will be buying the One Year Premium without hesitation, and may even perhaps donate more afterwards. I genuinely don't understand why people are so annoyed about this, because I think it all looks AWESOMESAUCE!!!!!

    Just one question, how will UK residents go about paying for the Premium? Just curious on cost etc. and how it will work and stuffs... :D

    This looks so freaking cool I seriously cannot wait for this :D


  5. Ignore my previous post. I was being idiotic. I somehow forgot that electrons can't be positively charged... I guess that's why I failed ALevel Chemistry :lol:

    I've had a few other ideas, but nothing has really amounted to any succession... I'm gonna keep digging. However, since we have passed 12 hours, I think we can debunk this theory.


  6. After watching Waffle's latest video, I have devised my own small theory based around mathematics and science.

    At first glance, at least to me, this screamed out Algebraic Logarithm, and to be honest, in a way it STILL tells me that, despite it being wrong. However, science is ruling my brain right now, and is telling me that it is in fact science related. So, here goes:

    In chemistry, the letter 'e' can be used for... Well, not much. A capital E, such as in E=mc squared, stands for energy. However, this cannot be energy, as that E must be a capital. Sorry Einstein, your E is out of this equation. However, if you were to use a lower case e both Chemistry AND Physics, it stands for just one thing, electron charge. So, consider this, without the ability to use superscript on Twitter (as far as I'm aware), could Reza have used +4.32e to represent the electrons of Uup having a positive charge of +4.32!

    As for the ns... Well, nanoseconds seem accurate enough, but you cannot add time to electron charge :lol: My guess would be that it stands for something else chemistry/physics related... I will scout around some more for as much info as possible and report back if I find anything. However, I firmly believe that the 'e' in this equation most certainly represents an electron charge of +4.32. Just for the record, as I'm assuming ns isn't nanoseconds, I'm taking 'n' for it's general mathmatical meaning of 'any number', and looking at 's' being something to do with electron structure and atomic orbitals... Complicated stuff, but hopefully my chemistry knowledge will aid me in my quest for knowledge...

    Until next time my friends,


  7. I like the idea of a PS3 Skype group. Perhaps this could become a forum wide thing? That way it will be much easier to find games and we all have a quick fire way of communicating with each other. I really like the potential behind these ideas guys ;)

    Feel free to add myself to the Skype group. Skype name is darkjolteon23


  8. Ooooooh the plot thickens Jolteon . . . . awesome stuffs and how many chapters will you make?

    As many as it takes :D

    Chapter 3 will be... Ah... Different. It will be probably much shorter too. Then after that there are 4 major scenes to be included, two written by Flareon, and the rest will probably be summed up in the chapters of the four main scenes. There MAY be a couple of other things. So at LEAST 5 more chapters. Possibly much more though :D

    I hope to have Chapter 3 finneshed VERY soon. Make sure to keep poking me on Skype to write it ;)


  9. Is it time already? Oh man... :cry:

    Wow... What to say? Covert... It's been a pleasure. You've been a role model to us all, and frankly you have been awesome. You have kept the site together in some of its darkest moments, and celebrated with us in its highest of highs. I'm gonna miss you man. We haven't talked much at all, but the few times we did... Well it was a joy. Best of luck for the future, and I'll see you in two years.

    -Dark Jolteon

  10. Well, I was gonna say that I agree with Ollie, but I see you already adressed that issue ;)

    This is very well written. It very much engages the reader, and really makes them want to keep reading and find out the outcome of the story. Very well done.

    My only criticism, although as a short story it isn't really valid, is that the story seems to be rushed to get to the action. You need to take more time to describe every detail to the max, and really let the reader feel as if they are IN the story, not reading it ;)

    Then again, I do exactly the same EVERY time, so my comments are pur hypocrisy :lol:


  11. Welcome back man! It's always great to see awesome people returning, even if we did know you were :D

    Get yourself back into the thick of it, and back to being the awesome guy that won that user of the month ;)


  12. Hi guys, this is Dark Jolteon. This is my first post in the Zombies story section. Firstly, a few details of what you are about to read. This story is not all my own work. It is book one of two, in a collaboration of myself and Dark Flareon. She has come up with the majority of the storyline and other things etc. so a lot of credit must go to her. However, I am writing most of book one, with a few parts being done by her (these parts will be in a different colour). Please feel free to leave feedback, criticisms and etc. Thanks for reading!

    The Chronicles Of Maxis:

    Book One: Samantha’s Fury.

    Chapter One: Escape From Griffin Station.

    The impact on the Earth was huge. The explosions were clearly visible from Griffin Station all the way on the Moon. The three Heroes and their new ally stood together. Watching. It was all they could do. Richtofen had completed his grand scheme, and now had control over the enemies. In the heroes haste to try and stop him, they laid their trust in another man. A bad man. Ludvig Maxis, father of the hero’s new ally Samantha Maxis, had the rockets set up ready, just in case Richtofen was ever successful.

    “I vow to get revenge on all of Group 935,” Takeo Masaki mumbled to himself. “They have manipulated us for too long. I call no more. It is time this warrior regained his honour, and destroyed all of those who try and stand against us!”

    “Cool it Takeo,” said Dempsey to the Japanese warrior. He brushed his hand over his shaven head, slowly turning away from the burning remains of his home planet. “Besides,” he began “we haven’t finished partying up here yet!”

    Nikolai Belinski, the fearless Russian, suddenly choked back a tear.

    “My homeland. Gone. The woman, the weapons, the…” he choked again, “Vodka”. He burst into full blown tears and began wailing extremely loudly. “Richtofen will pay dearly for this. That Vodka was more valuable than his whole stinking country, and now it’s all gone”. He slowly turned, realising his wails had attracted a lot of attention. Hundreds of zombies now piled through the doors of Griffin Station towards them. Their eyes, once yellow, now glowed a vibrant blue, clearly signalling the change in power. Their slow groans seemed to have also changed. There was a lot more pain in their voices. As though they were being tortured by their controller.

    All the while Samantha Maxis still just stood staring at the Earth. She had not spoken a word since her father disappeared for good. Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo began to fire their weapons into the horde, with very little effect.

    Suddenly the zombies stopped. A low laugh could be heard very faintly. It slowly began to grow in volume, and in pitch, until it reached a deafening cackle. The voice was instantly recognised by the three heroes’ and Samantha. It was the laughter of the evil Doctor Edward Richtofen. Once an ally to our heroes, Richtofen fought alongside them against the evil horde, claiming to be trying to rid the Earth of their existence. However, Richtofen never intended to get rid of the horde. He betrayed his allies, and took control of the zombies. He forced the mind of Samantha out of Aether, and their minds switched places. Richtofen now inhabited Aether, with full control over the zombies, and Samantha now had control of Richtofen’s body.

    “Oh Samantha!” He sang to himself, “it’s time to reunite with Daddy!” another cackle. Samantha suddenly turned and screamed out , “I’ll kill you Edvard, I’ll hunt you down and destroy every part of you and your pathetic, sadistic life!” Richtofen cackled again.

    “Samantha you’re so CUTE when you’re mad!” he shrieked with delight “however, you are merely a little girl trapped in a big man’s body. You could not destroy me even if you knew how!” more wicked laughter followed.

    “And what about us, traitor?” Dempsey screamed suddenly. “Do you think you can stop us too?”

    “Ah Dempshy my little pet. You have been most useful. But, I must express my distaste towards your threats. Now you will die. TAKE HIM!”

    With that every single zombie began to advance towards them again. Their terrified, tortured moans increasing in volume, and their pained faces now screaming out. Dempsey began to scream orders at the others, and war ensued for hours. The heroes stood alone, against what could only be described as the dream of a madman. Their only way out would be to return to Earth, and try and salvage whatever they could from what was left. That is, if there was anything left.

    They found themselves locked in a fierce battle inside Griffin Station’s Bio-dome. Two people covered each entrance in the hope of holding the horde back long enough to form a viable escape route.

    “American, if we don’t find a way out soon we will all be killed by these foul beasts!” yelled the Russian.

    “Don’t you think I know that Nikolai?” Dempsey yelled back.

    “Fighting each other will do no good! No glory can be obtained without co-operation!” Takeo said.

    “So what’s your bright idea Tak?” Dempsey growled.

    “I will sacrifice myself, for the future of the planet. I may be low on ammo, but I still have my sword”. And with that, Takeo threw down his gun and drew his blade. “Run Nikolai, and save the planet from the horrors of Richtofen”.

    “Takeo… You can’t!” he said in response.

    “Go Russian, or I will kill you too!” Takeo growled. Nikolai stepped back, a tear filling his eye. Takeo launched himself through the doors, and disappeared into the horde. After this Nikolai sprinted back towards Dempsey and Samantha.

    “Follow me American,” he said as he passed them. They ran a complete circle of the Bio-dome, and led the Zombies into one long train behind them. They were lucky that the Zombies were thick and didn’t realise what they were doing. Richtofen’s voice suddenly screamed out again.

    “Using my own strategies against me? That is dirty play you Russian dog”. Nikolai ignored Richtofen’s insults, and continued to lead Dempsey and Samantha in the same loop. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he darted through a set of doors, back into the outside world. He hopped through the air, the low gravity helping him along, until he reached a drop in the ground. He launched himself down, urging the others to follow.

    “What about Takeo?” Dempsey questioned.

    “He’s… Gone,” Nikolai choked. “He sacrificed himself, now quickly, jump in and don’t let his sacrifice go to waste!”

    They both followed Nikolai into the whole. Out of nowhere, strange lights and electricity began to fizz around them.

    “Here we go again,” mumbled Dempsey. And with that, they vanished from the surface of the Moon.

    Chapter Two: I Want To Play A Game.

    The three lost soldiers appeared, although not where they expected. However, that is not to say that they didn’t all still recognise where they were. They had all been here before, on one of the most terrible nights of their lives. It had aged a great deal since their last visit.

    “That’s… Not possible!” exclaimed Nikolai. “Why. Of all the places we could have ended up, why here!”

    “It’s Richtofen. He’s messing with us. It doesn’t matter where we are, let’s just leave as soon as possible,” responded Dempsey.

    “Didn’t I try to kill you both here?” Samantha chuckled to herself. “Although, if I remember rightly, this is where that bastard Richtofen killed me!”

    Der Riese. The place where it all began. The horrors seen inside these walls are beyond the imagination of the craziest psychopath. At least, all but one that is. Edward Richtofen’s past still lingers in the abandoned laboratories, despite many decades aging them.

    “That foul stench still lingers here. The stench of Richtofen’s foul experiments, and torturous fun. Something is missing though,” mumbled Dempsey. “Where are your foul creations Richtofen!” He suddenly yelled, staring at the sky. In doing so, he discovered the true damage cause by Maxis’ rockets. The sky was stained a mixture of flaming orange, and the deep red colour of blood.

    “Daddy… What have you done?” cried Samantha.

    “I don’t like how quiet it is…” Dempsey said.

    “Maybe Maxis’ rockets killed them all? Maybe we got a lucky break?” Nikolai replied.

    “No. Daddy was proud of his creations. He wouldn’t destroy them, even if Richtofen took control of them” Samantha groaned.

    “Then where the hell are they all?” Dempsey growled. “We need answers. Now. We’re never going to be able to defeat Richtofen without knowing him inside and out. Thinking about it… We don’t know much about him at all…”

    “I can help with that,” Samantha said.

    “You know… I thought that I was passed out drunk. Now I’m sobering up I realise you really ARE a little girl trapped in a psychotic Nazi Scientists body!” Nikolai said suddenly. “That must mean it’s time for a drink!”

    “Not now dirt-bag!” Dempsey growled. “Samantha, what do you know?” he asked.

    “I don’t know anything. I can show you though! Follow me!” she giggled.

    Samantha led them through the familiar surroundings of The Giant. The stains of Zombie blood, and hellhound droppings. A puddle of Vodka still visible in the corner next to the furnace. Samantha led them all the way out the back of Der Riese, to a place that, at the time, had seemed like nothing but an empty room. Dempsey saw the vending machine in the corner and the familiar hole in the floor. He remembered back to his previous visit. He vaguely remembered laughter around this whole. He began to wonder why, unable to remember true happiness at all, when there was a sudden yelp behind him. Sure enough, Nikolai had fallen into the whole in the ground, and just like last time, Dempsey couldn’t hold back his laughter.

    “Quiet!” Samantha hissed, “I’m trying to concentrate,”

    “Concentrate on what? There’s nothing here!” Dempsey replied. However, Samantha pressed on. She marched purposefully towards the vending machine in the corner, reached behind it, and flicked a switch. The vending machine began to sink into the ground, revealing a hole in the wall behind.

    “You didn’t think Daddy left everything important in his office did you?” Samantha said in a smug voice.

    “A secret door? We spent days fighting off Zombies here, and there was a way out with a simple switch? Well… This is embarrassing,” Dempsey groaned.

    The threesome marched their way through the door, making sure to close it behind them to make sure nothing could follow. They emerged in a gloriously lit room, filled with hundreds of Nazi artefacts and outfits. A huge oak desk stood in the middle of the room, with a leather wingbacked chair sitting behind it. A giant portrait of Maxis and Samantha stood above a beautiful fireplace, with a small picture of Hitler underneath. On the table stood another picture of Maxis and Samantha stood outside the Reichstag alongside Hitler and Richtofen. A solitary chest of drawers stood in the corner, each drawer with a different padlock on it.

    “I guess we need to break into those drawers,” Dempsey said, beginning to march towards them.

    “Stupid American,” Samantha giggled. “Of course he would assume the locked drawers would hold all of the secrets. Daddy was smart you see. He knew if ever somebody broke in, that they would assume the padlocks would hold what they wanted. You will find answers in there, but not to the questions you’re asking. If you want to find the real treasure, you need to look beyond the obvious,”

    “What the hell are you talking about?” Dempsey growled, causing Samantha to giggle again.

    “You Americans know nothing!” Nikolai chuckled to himself. “If you want to find something, then you need to hit everything!” And with that, Nikolai launched himself at the wall, but tripped on the way and feel headfirst into the oak desk, knocking himself out cold.

    “Well I guess that should make things easier,” Dempsey said. “So where is this treasure? What is it we’re actually looking for?”

    “Americans… Look around you. The answers are there!” Samantha beamed at him. She was clearly enjoying the game much more than Dempsey.

    “Just tell me before I blow your brains out little girl!” Dempsey roared.

    “Ah, but then you will never find your answers!” she giggled. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll tell you what you are looking for, if you do exactly what I say afterwards. We go where I want to go, and you will protect me wherever I go, and play with me when I want you too!”

    “I will give you ONE trip. I’m not being your damn babysitter”.

    “Hmmm. Okay, but you have to do everything I say for the whole trip!”

    “Fine. This better be worth it, or you’ll pay!”

    Samantha giggled again. She was clearly taking a lot of joy from her new game. She danced around the room, teasing Dempsey as much as she could, knowing she was in complete control. She patted him on the head before reaching under the desk, and pressing yet another secret switch. There was a loud click, and small drawer appeared from under the desk. Dempsey stepped forward and tried to open it. Nothing. He noticed an eight figure combination lock attached to it, consisting of both letters and numbers and let out a huge groan.

    “Guess what the password is!” Samantha squealed in Dempsey’s ear. Dempsey sighed before changing the combination to read SAMANTHA. She giggled again as the lock clicked open. He pulled out the drawer to reveal a thick, black leather book. He opened it up to the first page and gasped.

    “Is this… What I think it is?” He spluttered.

    “It’s Daddy’s secret Diary!” Samantha squeaked with joy.

  13. Wow. I've been here closing in on two years now... My god how far we have come. Once again, the year has brought the pain of losing some of the best there is... Including Carbon himself... And yet we now have more amazing people! The last year has been a big one for CoDz, and it has truly been an honour to be a part of it!

    No... I won't ruin the moment with another drunk uncle speech...


  14. Why does this post have only three replies? It's AMAZING! Such a well thought out and researched theory! Definitely worthy of some [brains]

    Personally, I think this would be an excellent connection to the story. I've always thought insane asylums make for the best scary stories - part of the reason I love Verruckt so much. That part about the woman who locked herself inside actually gave me chills. This is exactly the kind of "creepy factor" that I'd like zombies to return to.

    That's just how it works sometimes my friend. When you have been around a while, such as I have, you come to realise that because of the immense amount of activity the site gets, sometimes things get missed or overlooked... It's a great shame, but unfortunately unavoidable. It just happens man, no worries ;)


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