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Posts posted by kenan2104

  1. Electric Jesus had a pretty good idea in another thread.

    Say there is an electric zombie. Perhaps he electrifies zombies and makes them faster, similar to George. Perhaps you can "pacify" them with an EMP, taking away their electricity and slowing them down.

    That could work and sounds like an awesome idea, but imagine what fast zombies could do to rape trains. Rape trains only work because we are faster than the zombies, Treyarch know that every pro zombies player can only be good because of their ability to rape train, allthough it does kind of balance it if you can slow them, so it is a good idea.

  2. Hey guys, I did an analysis of the world reveal trailer (Video Below) and in it, we see a plethora of things.

    However, the one thing that caught my eye, was this guy:

    Look at him! I mean some people have specualted that this is just the reult of the power turning on or an EMP or even the new wonder weapon. Any of those could be true, I mean I doubt they are but that's my opinion.

    Speaking of my opinion, I had an idea, as did many others that it was in fact a boss, it looks terrifying, it has no physical structure, and it would make it interesting to have something you can only kill with energy weapons etc.

    I'm here to argue that this could be related to the 'Power, Power, POWER!'

    soundbite. (see video below)

    and also to argue the other side that the soundbite could be the new EMP bomb as confirmed by this achievement list as seen here:

    Now could the EMP be the soundbite or this new speculated boss?

    I'm leaving that to the comment discussion :)

  3. I haven't been on this site for a while guys, but from what I can see, it looks like the letters are the first letters of words, at the end, TWKZ to me doesn't mean 'two weeks' etc. I think it means 'Then We Kill Zombies!'

    So my guess is:

    'i Won You Now go'

    'Dead and Defeated Zombie Undead'

    Not a clue what OaOaB means

    'Our Zombie's Unveailing and'


    Anyone agree with me?

  4. Ok guys, I was just having a major look at the rezurrection poster and couldn't help thinking that each of the characters on the poster is the zombies crew I would post the picture but can't figure it out on iPhone :S but anyway there's 1 character on all the images of the classic maps I think the first ones some astronaut guy lol. Then there's Dempsey, then takeo, then Nikolai, then richtofen on the bottom if one of you guys could post the pic that would be brilliant. :)

  5. Fake and gay well not really f&g but no there are mear jokes to keep a younger population happy so while fighting zombies they made a facebook page ?

    ok by younger population are you meaning the whiny 10 year olds that play CoD? serious ok in all my years of gaming i have never once encountered a gamer older than 35

    my comment made no sense XD

  6. Ok, so i was on ascension and i heard several remarks by nikolai and dempsey

    nikolai said 'i better go update my facebook page!'

    dempsey said 'Speed dating again eh, Richtofen?'

    hmmm interesting right? but anyway i don't know if these are just funny quirks to make you laugh or actual easter eggs and btw nikolai said the facebook quote at the PaP machine where every character tells an easter egg right? so anyway give your thoughts guys and brains if you want!


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