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Posts posted by CoDz_Clan_Leader

  1. I am making a clan for the CoDz website. I will be leader of the XBOX clan members and I will also be the leader of other leaders for PS3 and PC. What that means is that I can change them at any time.

    Right now the PS3 leader is Shoreyo and we still need a PC leader. Post if you have MW2 for PC and will be getting BLACK OPS for PC to be PC leader.

    I will soon make a gamebattles team for the clan and a payed for website for it also.

    Here is gamebattles if you don't know what it is- http://gamebattles.com/

    I will also post the website link here when it's finished.

    For now if you want to be just a recreational CoDz Clan member you can just put CoDz as your clantag.

    But if you want to be a hardcore CoDz Clan member you can join our gamebattles team by sending me a message on this site, and you can also change your name to CoDz_Your Name Here now or when BLACK OPS comes out.

    I want to make this a clan that is known worldwide.

    This will not only be fun and competitive, but it will also be good for this site to bring more people.

    Please post anything here that I may have missed and also create an account on gamebattles if you want to be a hardcore CoDz Clan member, and send me a message or post you PSN or GAMERTAG here so you can join.

    BTW, in case I was unclear, this clan will be for BLACK OPS (multiplayer, and zombies) when BLACK OPS comes out. For now it will just be for MW2. [brains]

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