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Posts posted by gravysam

  1. Why does nobody know a single thing? This old. It has been known since day one. Read before you post.


    its not gknova6 its just gknova.com

    and it doesn't have anything to do with BlackOps zombie

    How do you know?

  2. Hiya, first time poster so bear with me! :D

    A rather random page I fount whilst trawling google for black ops stuff.

    I searched ''Gknova'' by itself and found what could possibly be a new treyarch site.


    JUST GKNOVA? titled ''untitled document'' the website is flash and is squashed up into the top left of the browser.

    fast music is played and text appears in the flash eg. ''solution for...'' and ''any problem''

    Hope that helps the search for ''the truth'' ;)

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