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Posts posted by NZheadshot1

  1. So I use to be an avid user on this site and I use to play a TON of zombies. However, a few months back my PS3 stopped reading discs, and I don't really want to buy a new one because the only game I ever play is zombies. All other games I play now are PC games. On that note though, I don't really want to buy a game that I already own.


    Since I last used this site, it has been updated such that WaW custom maps is the top forum. I don't have any friends that still play zombies, nor do I have any friends who play PC games.


    So my question is, do people still play WaW zombies online? Could I just find a public match? And how does this work for custom maps? I want to play zombies, but I don't really want to be playing on my own...

  2. I think this is a brilliant idea except for one thing. The way challenges work. For reference:



    Tier 1 (Super Low XP): Get 20 headshots in a single round. 
    Tier 2 (Low XP): Survive until Round 10.
    Tier 3 (Low-Medium XP): Survive until Round 15 only using weapons purchased off the wall.
    Tier 4: (Medium-High XP): Get *number of kills* with at least *certain percentage* being Headshots.
    Tier 5 (High XP): Pack-a-Punch all Wall Weapons in one game.
    Tier 6 (Insane XP): Survive until Round 18 without opening any doors.


    Now I know these are examples, but could you imagine every 11 year who can't hardly survive past round 10 on his own trying to get to 15 without hitting the box? Or that annoying guy who keeps wasting all his points on wall weapons and pack-a-punch, just because he wants to level up?


    My point is thus: Adding a level system in zombies causes the player to play for himself rather than the whole team, and that doesn't work in a game like zombies. This was how it worked in Black Ops II. Think about it, if you're uncooperative teammate wasn't doing so well, instead of taking one for the team, he would simply dashboard out to keep the bad game off his record

  3. The problem is that most of you are on 360.

    I doubt this it true.

    I hate to really start a flame war, but I have to agree with EvilHERNeos. Not only was the 360 cheaper, therefore the more parent-friendly system, but (and correct me if I'm wrong), the 360 CAME with a mic. PS3 players had to actually go out and BUY a mic in order to communicate with teammates. If you're willing to sink extra money into a system AND a good $50+ on a mic, chances are that either you are mature enough to understand money or you are a parent who is totally cool with spoiling the hell out of your bratty offspring.

  4. "My name is Samantha. I'm going to tell you how all this... REALLY began."

    You know, as in, how this whole storyline actually started? As in, the ACTUAL beginning to the story rather than the theories that have been tossed around in the past?

    If this map WERE an alternate reality, what could Samantha mean by 'all this'??? I think that it's pretty clear that this is the beginning of the story that we've all come to know...

  5. 8. Grab jug. -2500

    9. Grab Mule Kick. -4000

    10. Grab Speed Cola. -3000

    15. Buy Double tap. -2000

    Why buy these perks? That's gonna cost you 11,500 points.

    Why not buy quick revive, double tap, jug and staminup? It'll only cost you 6,500 points.

    If you're going to get some free perks, why not make them the most expensive ones?

    On the other hand, if you want to have three guns before going to PaP, I can understand buying mule kick instead of staminup for 8,500 points. Nonetheless you still save 3000 points from what you said. Wasting a free perk on quick revive? i mean like seriously, you START with enough to buy it, so why not?

  6. BTW - here's some solo scores for the list.

    The images are too big to fit on screen so I'll just post a link. Tell me if these aren't working.

    Der Riese - 41: https://photos-1.dropbox.com/t/0/AAB2rt ... e=1280x960

    Kino - 44: https://photos-3.dropbox.com/t/0/AABUc3 ... e=1280x960

    Ascension - 74: https://photos-6.dropbox.com/t/0/AADTPC ... e=1280x960

    CotD - 51: https://photos-6.dropbox.com/t/0/AADDvI ... e=1280x960

    This last one I didn't actually take a picture, but I was ranked 60 in all time, don't know if that's substantial proof or not though...

    TranZit - 42: https://photos-4.dropbox.com/t/0/AADMHy ... e=1280x960

    The rest are in my sig, but I'm going to have to try to dig up some proof for them. Will leaderboard pics count?

  7. I have to agree with everyone saying that the map is too easy. I consider myself a very good zombie player, but even so, I shouldn't be able to get to round 35 on my THIRD attempt (suicided because I had to leave). The problem isn't even the bank, it's a massive tie between Vulture-ade green stink mist and the Paralyzer. My god can you say ultimate camper class? Not that camping isn't an acceptable strategy in zombies, but using these weapons, I feel like some of the glitchers from world at war who got into barrier-glitches with the flamethrower.

    And to add to this ridiculous ammo/camping strategy, I get a time bomb? So if I go down and lose all of my perks all I have to do is go back in time to the last time a I got a max ammo? good god you end up with full ammo and all of your perks back, and usually it was only a round or 2 back.


    This map is stupid easy.

  8. A quick question for anyone who has used the head chopper more than me, Will it break over time even if it is not hitting zombies or does it only lose durability when it is killing zombies?
    The head chopper does not even swing if there aren't any zombies nearby, and so no, it does not lose durability while it isn't killing zombies. Makes it much better than the bass cannon, if only for how long it lasts
  9. Perma perks do not make the game too easy for advanced players, it brings noobs a chance to POSSIBLY compeat in high rounds with more advanced players, if you're truely pro: Don't use them....

    How can you possibly NOT use them? I mean that seriously, not incredulously. For example, I play a lot of Die Rise and it's always annoying when I try to put 8 shots into a zombie before a knife on round 2 only to have them die with about 5 shots due to a headshot or other power-increasing perk.

    If you EARN the perk by playing the game NORMALLY, how can you play normally without getting the perks???

    Whether you want them or not...

    I think these should definitely be moved to only custom games, and to that point, they should be a feature that can be turned off.

  10. Here's what I really think it comes down to: were you a BO1 Zombies player from the start, or a BO2 player? Is BO2 what got you into Zombies? If yes, then you'll see it more positively than if you got into Zombies on an older game.

    This EXACTLY. BO2 has been a very good game, but if you played zombies on WaW and Black Ops, it's quite clear that this game doesn't even SHADOW it predecessors.

    Based on the glitchiness of maps, lack of lobby leaderboards, lack of private matches, TranZit in general, lack of customization in the oh-so-overhyped custom games, lack of quality characters, the unexplained (and again, overhyped) ranking system, and the fact that Treyarch SCREWED all of us hardened edition people, I rate this game a solid 4.5.

    The .5 is MERELY because of how well done MotD was done. I'm a PS3er, so I can't comment on Buried yet, and hopefully we will get a totally amazing MP4. Nonetheless nothing that Treyarch can do can reconcile these terrible decisions that they've made for this game.

  11. I don't understand why people are suggesting that there will be a fifth DLC pack.

    Because people want their "FEAR TEDDY".

    That's why.


    I remember seeing that "Fear Sam" stuff etc. in youtube comments a year ago.

    And I was laughing my ass off.

    But now people still insist on this "code" having any kind of relevance.

    I'm not saying that I believe in any of this "fear teddy" nonsense, but don't we only need one more map pack to make it possible?


    die risE

    Mob of the deaD


    Last map Y

  12. Yea I'm not gonna get on board for a third installment of our current zombies story

    You know this is the third installment of this story right?

    I don't really count it as the third installment for the sole reason that I didn't start playing till black ops. But in all honesty I didn't even find this site till I started playing zombies and by then I saw all the theories relating stuff back to W@W. Didn't feel like W@W had much to tell story wise until the continuation in BO.

    I'll be totally honest here, this kinda makes me sad :|

  13. 5: How powerful is this weapon against nova jumpers and Brutus?

    I used it on Brutus and it was a 1 burst at round 11 and a 2 burst at 25 so I would imagine it would be +1 burst every like 10 rounds

    Brutus doesn't really ever get powerful. Its still a two shot with the claymores on round 100 and its still a 2 hit tomahawk on round 100. Its likely you didn't hit brutus in the same spot both times. Or hes just super weak in the early rounds. So I expect the max on brutus is 2 bursts.

    Unless this guns is different from all the others.

    Just watched RelaxingEnd's video where he shows how powerful the gun is against Brutus, and he was killing him every time with a single burst

  14. Tactical Nuke: (max 1) Would clear the level just as nuke drop does.

    This made me think of DOA - why not a secondary that allows you a speed boost? Max 3, blasts away zombies (doesn't even have to kill them necessarily), shoots you forward several meters

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