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Posts posted by Pandaman5797

  1. Im sorry Red Russian, but you are incorrect. Do you know who henry langham is, well in his first "thing", it was an animated book. Now, if you go frame by frame, there is a new york adress at the end, and it says "groups of 4 ex soldiers or soldiers needed, no matter race or nationality." now, obviously, the 4 of them were put together at the admission office. The 4 did not know eachother from before. They were, most likely, put in groups of 4 just like the advertisment said. Im sorry, but you are incorrect.
    you are indeed correct.

    Takeo, Dempsey, and Nikolai were all test subjects of Group 935's. It is debatable who's test subjects they were, they could've been Richtofen's or Maxis's.

    the test that were performed on them were Element 115 exposure

    they have succeeded where countless others have been zombified, though they gained strength, they lost all specific memories.

    :facepalm: And here I thought everybody knew Salad Man was fake...especially after Two Down admitted it was a stunt! First off, welcome to the site. But let me tell you now: HL is FAKE! Many other people on the site probably would have cussed you out, so I'm just gonna warn you: don't mention HL, as a lot of people didn't like him and knew he was fake. While the stuff is interesting, it has been confirmed 100% fake by Treyarch

  2. If you glitch in an offline match, i have no problem with that...glitching is coolish, but if you do it to get to high rounds, you need to lewrn how to legitimately play zombies, because wheres the fun in sitting in a god corner for three hours shooting at a mass of undead flesh? Zombies should always give you somewhat of an adrenaline rush, and glitching takes that factor away...So if you are glitching, please fompell yourself to do it on offline games

  3. Awful lawton+Krause Refibrillator=ultimate healer...only use this if your a back window camper, or else your screwed...

    Fav assault class is upgraded raygun with either mp40 off the wall or an unupgraded assault rifle, like the commando, galil, or aug...

    Heavy duty gunning is the Zeus Cannon and the R115 Resonator

  4. 1. Welcome to the forums!

    2. Try using the search function before posting things in the future (top right if you didn't see it)

    3. While your point is valid, we've known about this since black ops was launched all the way in australia, which would have been november 10th in america...nice try though, nice seeing new members trying to contribute immediately! :D

  5. About that whole thing that Treyarch would finish the Easter egg with an update, they can't just do that: release a product that isn't finished, it's just like if they released Black Ops, and only half of the singleplayer was done and said " Ok so yeah guys now you guys wait a month for the rest of it altough you've already bought it" :facepalm: . They can't just do that...

    But I'm glad you´re not giving up...

    Actually, the whole ps3 version of blops was kinda unfinished, because it was riddled with connection problems the 360 didnt have...when blops was released, the first month was pretty much an extended beta to fix the rest of the problems...also, including the rest of the easter egg in a later patch technically isnt releasing an unfinished product, cuz after all, every time you release a patch, it's like saying the last release of the game wasn't finished...just my take on it

  6. I Can't believe none of us have noticed this before :facepalm:...

    At first when I saw this image, I thought it was a hint for our death machines, but then I saw this:

    and I realized that the sign was just pointing to the centrifuge...but maybe the fact that the centrifuge looks similar to a death machine could be a hint that the next part of the easter egg lies with the centrifuge:?::?::?:

    *URL's if you can't see the images (In order)



  7. I both agree and disagree with Commander...while I don't think that Five has anything to do with the active storyline (Tank and co.) I still think it has many relevant things to the storyline...the fact that the telephones in Ascension sometimes play quotes from Five leads me to believe that it had much more relevance than ANY of us previously thought...while I think an 8 person map would be over the top, maybe a 4 person map with everybody getting two random people from each team and having them play together

  8. I don't understand though, what do the pyramids in egypt have to do with the storyline?

    Sorry for off topic post.. but TheHeckz, I LOVE your signature. Hahahahaha.

    Haha thanks man, I looked for the best one I can find :mrgreen:

    wait, i'm sorry but i don't get it :oops:

  9. With a perk like phd flopper there is no more killing yourself with the wunderwaffe, just saying..

    well ya but what if they didnt have phd flopper i do miss the wunder waffle but i wish we could have all 4 wounder weapons winters howl,ray gun,thunder gun,and the wunder waffle but we know treyarch wont do that.

    Yeah because they are greedy faggots who won't give us what we want so we keep buying their shitty games in hope they add something..

    Actually, that would be Activi$ion

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